Patron Pick Fall 2022: Koukyuu no Karasu – 12

This was a very atypical episode of Koukyuu no Karasu – in  the same way final arc eps of atypical series often are.  That is to say, it was atypically typical.  It stuck with one storyline from start to finish.  It had three acts, more or less.  It still packed a lot in (episodes that reshape the mythology pretty much have to), but it was perhaps the first time an ep of Raven in the Inner Palace actually felt like a self-contained piece of work.  Again, we often see shows like this revert to convention a bit at their tail end, so it’s not entirely surprising.

Xiao Yue (if that’s how he self-refers in this body, we may as well follow along) is of course the key to all this.  It appears that he didn’t actually cause the death of the Magpie Consort’s brother, merely exploited it, but he’s been pulling pretty much all the strings since then.  He “resurrected” the brother in the form of a golem, animated through a lock of the dead man’s hair.  Unfortunately this golem has a taste for blood, and not animal blood either.  The Magpie Consort is happy enough to turn on the taps for it, but that’s not enough, and there’s already been one fatal incident.

Obviously the Magpie Consort is a tragic figure, driven to delusion by the intensity (probably too much of it) of her love for her brother.  But she’s a pawn in a larger game, caught up in the affairs of Gods.  Both Shouxue and Gaojun have reason to blame themselves for what will happen to her, and because of who they are, they certainly will.  But it’s really only Xiao Yue who bears real responsibility – they too are pawns in his game.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Shouxue isn’t going to heed the Emperor’s admonishment to stay in the Raven Palace until the intruder is apprehended.  Knowing Xiao Yue is here for her she naturally tries to head off any more collateral damage.  But while he does intend to kill her, the situation is rather more complicated than it initially appears.  He tells her that he’s come from the Palace of Seclusion, in the land of the Gods.  This form too is a golem – necessary because Gods are forbidden to enter this mortal plane.  Except for the Raven, who was exiled to it because she returned a soul there and revived it (surely a story in its own right).

The big twist here is that the Owl isn’t really the villain per se, and neither even is Niao Lian.  They’re siblings as it turns out – twin deities born from the same bubble of creation.  And it isn’t really Niao Lian that’s responsible for the curse of the Raven Consort’s existence – it’s the first Raven Consort herself, who tricked the Raven into this relationship (I’m not sure exactly how that worked).  And the flowers are actually poison to her, driving her insane across the centuries.  As for the Owl, he has no malice for any of the humans he’s killed or intends to – they’re just in the way of his plan to end his sister’s suffering – but at the same time, their existence obviously means very little to him.

Basically, I can see two ways the finale could go.  Maybe Shouxue did actually manage to destroy Xiao Yue and end him as a threat, and the finale will be a coda where she and Gaojun reflect on the larger tragedy of her existence.  Or the Owl strikes back, and that confrontation provides the backbone of the anime’s conclusion.  I rather hope it’s the former if I had to choose blind, but Koukyuu no Karasu has proven itself to be pretty savvy thematically, so I suspect whatever path it follows will provide a satisfying (in the context of an unfinished story) conclusion.



  1. I had to rewatch episode 6 to refresh my memory on a few things.

    What Shouxue learnt prior was that Xiang Qiang (The first Raven Consort, but not the first Winter King) was largely sympathetic figure- seemingly abandoned by the Summer King of her time (the first king from the clan Shouxue and her mother came from) after he had been crowned Emperor. Whatever his motives, he didn’t allow her to call herself the Winter King (and rebranded her the Raven Consort), isolated her in the palace Shouxue lives in today, and cut her off from priests. She was told that Niao Lian was imprisoned under the Inner Palace (specifically under the Raven Consort’s palace), with Raven Consort acting as a guard of sorts.

    Xiao Yue paints her in a decidedly unflattering light, because his version of events suggest that there was deceit involved- and that knew she’d be dooming random girls to an undeserved fate for generations to come. And here’s the big discrepancy- Niao Lian isn’t being trapped within under the palace. She’s trapped in the body/soul of the Raven Consort herself- and the Raven Consort’s gradually losing her humanity and individuality to Niao Lian.

    Methinks the series is going to end with a spiritual and fundamental abolition of the Raven Consort title and the Winter King/Summer King system, and and Shouxue and Gaojun will be the ones to do it. I don’t think we’re done with Xiang Qiang’s story, yet, either.

    Whew. What a whopper of an episode.

    This show is pretty dense.

    The speckled black-and-white bird seen with Xiao Yue is a spotted nutcracker. We’ve seen it couple times in the in the second half the show- and Shouxue even identifies it as such in episode 8. The Japanese name for it is “hoshi-garasu”- literally “star-raven”. And Xiao Yue says that the bird was orignially Niao Lian’s… talk about foreshadowing that got lost in translation.

  2. N

    Right at the beginning of the episode, I was taken aback when Xiao Yue just simply ignored Gaojun when he demanded who he was. Of course, we’ll later learn why. So, Xiao Yue did bring the Magpie Consort’s brother back to life, except not really. It was just a golem which had a physical resemblance to him and nothing more. That was apparently good enough for her. It seems that if that servant hadn’t walked in on that night, it might have been the Magie Consort that was killed instead. She does die at his hands, but seemingly happy about it.

    And, then there’s the whopper, as Nellie mentioned. The revelations of this episode really did upend the established mythology. We find out who Xiao Yue and Niao Lan really are and the connection to the first Raven Consort. And, it turned out that the Xing-Xing was helpful in this battle, though I still wonder why she was not informed or learned about using their “naibou”, as it was called. I’m not sure if it’s the last we’ve seen of him and considering it was just his temporary physical form that was destroyed. Next week will wrap things up and I’m really looking forward to see how it ends.

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