Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 3rd Season – 11

Whatever small (by its high standard) slump Mairimashita Iruma-kun was in, it seems to have broken out of it now.  Some common threads can be found – plenty of Iruma himself, Ali-san and Ameri making appearances et al(i).  But essentially the good-great divide with Iruma-kun comes down to one variable – the less it acts like a conventional shounen the better it is.  It can do that quite well – but why?  This series has carved out a singular identity for itself, and it’s utterly charming and vastly entertaining.  There are many series that can be good conventional shounen, but only one that can be Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.  As such, I really never want it to be anything else.

I can attach all sorts of words to what that “itself” is – quirky, cheeky, irreverent, even iconoclastic.  But in the end, it’s hard to quantify what makes Iruma-kun great – you just know it when you see it.  And this was it.  The whole “Seed of Beginnings” thread was this show at its most itself.  There’s some cleaning up to do first on why Andro and Allocer are out.  Namely, a bunch of clones of Andro’s brother goaded him into a physical attack.  This is the work of Orobas Coco, whose bloodline ability “Trauma” is to make you see what you most fear.

AllocAndro dropping out isn’t necessarily that big a deal (they weren’t going to win anyway) but the key takeaway here is that Coco is targeting Misfit Class members, and it seems very likely Iruma is going to be next on his list.  Just why we don’t know – maybe just because he sees them as dangerous rivals, or maybe for some more pointed reason.  In any event Team Shota is off in pursuit of clues from last week’s cryptic song about the Leaf of Legend, which leads them to a literal and symbolic crossroads.  Iruma makes an executive decision to split the clues in half and take opposite paths, which soon leads him on an Indiana Jones-styled adventure to an underground temple.

It must be noted that Murase Ayumu is having great fun in this episode, and as usual doing phenomenal work – a reminder of how important the cast is to this show’s success.  Which is reinforced when Ali-san finally pops his head out.  There are very few characters whose appeal is as seiyuu-dependent is as Ali-san, and as such it’s a good thing his is literally about as good as it gets.  His concerns (and not just his) about Iruma taking on this sort of quest alone are not unfounded, but of course he’s not alone with Ali at his side.

Soon enough Iruma is even more not alone, as he and Ali find someone trapped by what Ali says is a “Nigi Nigi” plant.  Iruma-kun recognizes them as first-year student Naphula – “Naphula the Silent”.  Naphula looks like a Jawa and their primary trait seems to be not speaking a human tongue – that, and a very foul reek.  Nevertheless Iruma is who he is and (much to Ali-san’s irritation) isn’t going to leave Naphula unrescued even if they are a rival for the Leaf.  Eventually they find what looks like the Seed of Beginnings from the song, in an extremely “Raiders” setting – and as you’d expect, it’s not as simple as just a grab-and-go.

The Seed has a guardian as it turns out – no, not an Arthurian knight but a genie named Toto, and speaking of seiyuu the series adds one of anime’s great character actors here in Kawada Shinji.  Yes, it’s a genie story with a character named Ali – how fitting.  Toto isn’t a bad sort – he complements Iruma (after failing to squash him) for getting this far, and clearly explains the rules.  You can win the Seed either by defeating him physically (yeah, no) or telling him something interesting.  A lot harder than it sounds, as Toto is extremely old and wise and (again, literally) knows every joke in the book.  It makes sense that curing boredom would be a priority for a creature like that.

Once more, Iruma’s human origins play to his benefit here – they’re really his secret weapon.  Breaking out “First Love Memories” was a great idea, and this is Murase at his best – Ali and Naphula may be assisting but Iruma is doing all the heavy lifting.  This manga re-creation is wonderfully Mairmmashita! Iruma-kun at its best, and nets Iruma a new cellphone contact (he may regret that).  Oh, and the Seed of Beginnings too.  But I can’t help but wonder if Ameri will be less than pleased at Iruma sharing what was their exclusive pleasure with Toto and Naphula (whose gender is not expressly made clear).




  1. M

    The Guardian bit perfectly plays into what you’re talking about. The problem could be solved the conventional (brute force way) or the Iruma way.

    Something that made me chuckle before I realized the little Jawa was trying to tell a joke is that I originally thought it was trying to Square Up with Toto, which did make me spit my drink considering how helpless it was against the plants.

    Considering the entire class must rank up or else they lose the Royal One, I wonder if Alloser and Andro will shine in the next event. Either way, pretty honorable for Allocer to forfeit alongside his partner than leave him behind for points.

  2. N

    Yep, this episode pretty much hit on all levels. We find out what happened to Allocer and Jazz (I think the only reason why I’m still sticking with Jazz is that I’m hoping he gets tossed out of a house someday. Anyway…) as Jazz was fooled by illusions of his brother and got tricked into attacking a fellow participant. That’s a scary ability and who exactly is his teammate that we briefly see? They are targeting the Misfit Class for some reason, but that’s set aside for the time being as we go back to Iruma and Lead.

    It looks like we’ll get to Lead’s adventures later on, but Iruma goes first and runs across Naphula the Silent. Naphula’s gender is unknown and along with why Naphula doesn’t speak. I too was thinking that Naphula looked like a Jawa and I was almost expecting a “utinni!” at some point. In any case, Naphula’s scent keeps all of the monsters away and Iruma is happy with that, along with Naphula. It makes me think it was the first time Naphula has been praised that way.

    There are lots of “Raiders” references here, like finding the Seed of Beginnings on the pedestal. His dodging skills save his bacon from the genie. At first, I was thinking it was a Sphinx. It seems that the author was figuring that we we might think that way too and I got a pretty good laugh when it dismissed Iruma’s riddle.

    It looks like shoujo manga saves the day again and that was a terrific sequence. And, what the heck is going on in that manga? The boxing thing is new to me and there was something about going to space from an earlier episode. and now something about an evil organization? Well, the manga just got another devoted fan (And, I wonder if Naphula is a fan now too) and Iruma moves on. The next preview shows that Orobas has already caught up with them and there’s no doubt that Iruma’s greatest trauma are his parents. It also looks like he’ll use his bow for the first time and that’s a development that I’m looking forward to.

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