Winter 2020 Preview Poll Results

Well, these were certainly interesting results.  When I see a flood of votes come in late for a series that was relatively off the radar – as was the case with Housekishou Richard – I suspect something organized was going on there.  Haikyuu was ahead for almost the entire run by a good margin, and I suspect that was the show that got the most legit votes.  But in any event, it’s a pretty level playing field this season – there’s no Vinland Saga or HeroAca as a clear front-runner.  Sometimes that can be a positive indicator, sometimes a warning sign – time will tell.



  1. Last minute bulk voting to sway the results? What’s the intention? To get their jollies in seeing the title up high? I think I will just avoid that show completely even though I was ready to give it a chance prior to this shenanigan.

  2. R

    I actually had never even heard of the Housekishou until this, uh, mass poll manipulation? I googled it out of curiosity and it seems fine I guess? Kinda reminds me of Kyoto Teramachi Holmes just on the whole gem mystery thing (tho minus the kyoto so that’s a big minus). I definitely don’t see anything that would cause it to suddenly outgun Haikyuu so I imagine it was bots or something.

  3. I imagine. Seems an odd show for bots, but who knows? I know there was a human-organized hijack campaign in one of the season polls a few years back, but no indication that’s the case here.

    One interesting trend over at MAL is we’re starting to see bots used to manipulate series scores on their aggregator (that’s why Chihayafuru 3 is so low, for example). So far MAL seems not to care so it’s going pretty much unchecked. I wouldn’t think that kind of stuff would find its way to remote outposts like this, though.

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