First Impressions Digest 01/07/24 – Ore Dake Level-Up na Ken, Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Hen

Ore Dake Level-Up na Ken – 01

Yeah, this is one of those times where I just don’t get it.  I know Tower of God is really the only manhwa I’ve liked (though the Noblesse anime wasn’t bad), which leaves me a suspect barometer.  Even so, when a series has the kind of aggregator scores this one does, you expect to be able to form some notion as to why.  I know manhwa typically score higher in such metrics but even so, Ore Dake Level-Up na Ken nabs some of the best ratings of any out there.

I didn’t hate this or anything, but my goodness, it just played as so generic.  Right down to the exposition by explanation, as universal an indicator of lazy writing as anything out there.  Magic portals, beasts, “awakened” fighters grouped by level, weakling protagonist (who will eventually get strong) – haven we not seen all that a thousand times before?  And not that infrequently done better?

The caveat here is that this is only the anime I’m going on, as I haven’t read the webtoon.  Maybe Solo Leveling is really great in that form and the adaptation just butchered it (I can’t speak to content but I’d describe the production values as “erratic”).  It’s not like Tower of God’s anime did it any favors.  More likely though I think this series just isn’t for me.  So we’ll move on to…


Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Hen – 01

So I guess the deal is, every six or seven years Ao no Exorcist gets a new series.  I certainly have some history with this franchise, having watched and blogged the original not long after I started this website.  It was good, but kind of went off the rails at the end with an anime-original ending.  Then an OVA which was also good, and a movie which was even better (sneakily one of the prettiest and most well-animated anime films of its era).  As such I was quite looking forward to the second season (Kyoto Fujouou-hen).  But in the end I was surprised the makers of Ambien didn’t sue it for unfairly competing.

Needless to say, I never finished that trainwreck of a season.  But this was fine, really.  Most of what’s under the hood has changed – A-1 is out and VOLN is in, and the key staff apart from Oono Toshiya (who wrote one of my favorite anime of all-time and not much else that did anything for me) on series composition.  There are references to Kyoto in here but it’s easy enough to pretend it never happened, as it doesn’t seem to directly underpin anything that’s happening.  The premiere was pretty much AoEx as I remember it, which is Rin as a likeable goofus and a lot of big-name seiyuu chewing the scenery pretty hard,

One thing about this show that never changes is that it’s very talky, one of the talkiest action shounen around.  Sometimes that works better than others, and the first part of this episode with Godain-kun and Mephisto worked better than the bit with the family portrait.  Any time you go back to a series after this long it’s a bit disconcerting as your mind goes back to places it hasn’t been for a very long time, but I slotted all the characters into place pretty quickly (including the kid with the puppet who never says anything himself).

Certainly the early returns are promising on this season being better (if a lot more CGI-heavy) than the second.  But this is looking like the busiest anime day of the week (as usual these days) so I have no idea at this point whether it’s be something I’ll consider covering.  At the very least it was fun to be back in this mythology again after so long.



  1. L

    I though you were already aware about why Solo Leveling got it’s fame, it’s pretty well-known deal. SL hard fans readily admit and quick to make a disclaimer that story, characters and worldbuilding are mediocre and generic at best, often crossing to stupid, nonsensical and bad. The whole crux of the hype was on the webtoon consistently great art and flashy fighting hype moments drived by cartoonishly OP MC that looks edgy and cool… That’s really whole appeal, it is really nothing more then pure power fantasy. All that really required for the anime is be really good on animation and art front to show all those hyped moments when OP MC wrecks things looking epic.

  2. In that case the anime if f*cked if the premiere is anything to go by…

  3. S

    Are the likes of Solo Levelling on the brink of extinction? I mean, just in Japan the industry churn out hundreds of these in anime or manga form every year, so why bother looking further afield for inspiration just to create something just as generic and uninspired? It really baffles me.

  4. I get the feeling that this is a case of the imitators getting adapted before the original – I think Solo Leveling is pretty much the reference point for all such “progression fantasy”, not the latest one the bandwagon. That said, it’s still far from a particularly deep genre to begin with.

  5. P

    It’s hard to judge a new show with the first episode. The hype is far ahead of this episode. The story is a yawn; it has been done so many, many times. We’ll see how it progresses but for now it is not equal to the hype.

  6. N

    So, about “Ore Dake Level-Up na Ken”… Yep, it was formulaic as heck, though I did get some amusement hearing Korean names with Japanese honorifics. I think it could have benefitted from a two-episode length premiere, but as it was, this episode didn’t give me a reason to keep on watching. Saturday is already packed enough and so I’m moving on.

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