Weekly Digest 12/10/2023 – Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2, Spy x Family Season 2

Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2 – 22

Back to digest mode for Mahoutsukai.  But honestly, at this point that was the only way I was going to be able to cover it.  I’m thoroughly bored with all this, and nothing that’s happened since Morrigan exited stage left has been of much interest.  The scene with Elias (wow, actual Elias dialogue) and Alcyone was modestly engaging and easily the best of the episode.  Always interesting to see him interacting with being besides Chise and she has a tragic story I find more empathy for than Philomela.

As for the old hag, just because she got treated badly herself her actions now aren’t any more forgivable.  Having her twirling her moustache is inevitably painful to watch, but the last thing I needed was a granny flashback.  At least now Philomela has admitted she wants help, and the finish line is – Goc help us – finally in sight.


Spy x Family Season 2 – 10

One thing I’m realizing is that the last two episodes did a lot of damage that’s going to be hard to undo.  There have been a couple of absolute stinkers with Spy x Family to be sure, but they were basically throwaways – when they were done, they were done.  This was different.  I feel as if my attitude towards the series may have changed in a fundamental way, and not for the better.  Most of this episode was tough to sit through, especially the first part (though anything with Yuri is effectively unwatchable at any time).

Really, only the school chapter was a bit of an antidote to that.  Not surprisingly, as that’s where SxF always seems most at home.  Anya spinning her ridiculous lies while trying not to spill her parents’ secrets was funny, as was Damian’s detached visage and the “I feel bad for the commoners” comment.  We may be at the point where those are the only episodes I can stomach, which would be a pretty sad state of affairs.



  1. D

    You are really voicing my thoughts on S x F which seem to generally be an unpopular opinion.
    I have seen complaints about the Eden portions of this series recently, when in my opinion, these are easily the best parts and the only think aside from the Desmond main plot that keep me interested.

    The dynamic between Damian and Anya is incredibly funny, adorable and charming, and Damian actually my favorite character in the series.

    And Yor and Yuri are also the characters that ruin the show for me. I feel happy to have found a kindred spirit.

  2. Yeah, you have the right screen name as far as my thoughts on that.

  3. M

    Yo, Enzo.

    I know western media, aside from a select few such as GoT back in the day, isn’t covered in this blog. But if u ever have some free time, I highly suggest u check out “Bkue-Eyed Samurai” from Netflix.

    Not to blog about it, but just to enjoy it. It is an extremely well-made show.

  4. I watched the first ep and I liked it, didn’t love it. Have planned to get back to it but it’s a question of finding the time.

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