Sousou no Frieren – 08

We’re a third of the way – almost – through Sousou no Frieren now (which sounds funny given it’s only been a month).  So I think it’s fair to start making some general assessments.  My take on it at this point is that it’s damn good, but that the character writing is not strong enough for me to really call it great.  The things it does so well – mood, world-building, big ideas – are hugely important, and the secondary characters are generally more interesting than the leads.  So all in all far more positives than negatives, and I totally get why it’s such a critical and commercial smash.  I just don’t think it’s a masterpiece on the level of Pluto or Vinland Saga.

That said (and it’s a hell of a high bar) the versatility Frieren has shown in the last couple of episodes has impressed me.  This was a gear I didn’t know it had, and the change in tone is very welcome – there was a risk of some monotony if that style had continued unabated for 28 episodes.  This is the titular Frieren we’ve seen emerge here, and even if I disagree with the liberal English translation of “Frieren the Slayer”, the point is the same – she’s a badass.  She has no need to show off how strong she is because she knows how strong she is, and doesn’t care whether anybody else does or not.  And that makes her kind of scary.

Draht certainly found that out.  Remember Draht went after Frieren of his own volition, and in fact Lügner wound up being rather displeased about that when it effectively undercut his entire plan.  All that talk about how most mages would “lose their head” after his wire attack was pretty amusing.  In truth Frieren wasn’t really bothered by Draht at all – he wasn’t remotely in her weight class.  The only problem was that by his killing her guard, he made things awkward for her to stick around and chill in her cell (since demon bodies dissolve into mana when they die).

Meanwhile, Stark is literally quivering with fear at the thought of taking on Lügner (for a second there I wondered if he actually did wet himself).  But as they say, courage isn’t not being afraid, it’s being afraid and doing what has to be done anyway.  He always gets there in the end.  When he and Fern run into the escaped Frieren on the street, Stark begs her to help them take on Lügner aand Linie, but Frieren declines.  She makes out like she’s just bailing, but she has much bigger plans in mind.  She only offers encouragement.  And that smile (a rarity) she flashed when she talked about hating to fight strong opponents was interesting – suggesting a number of different interpretations.

Give Graf Granat credit.  He was smart enough to read the situation in the dungeon – and Draht’s absence – correctly and piece together what probably happened.  The jig is up at that point, and Lügner finally reveals his magic – blood magic, which he uses to dispense with all of Granat’s guards.  But he needs the Graf alive, to tell him how to lower Flamme’s barrier around the town.  Lügner gets quite talkative here, explaining how demons devote their entire lives to the pursuit of one specific type of magic, and how he therefore hates “geniuses” (like Flamme) who can reboot the system with timeless bursts of inspiration.

Once more we see Stark’s true courage as he breaks into the palace with Fern, and winds up facing down Lügner and Linie alone as a distraction for Fern.  With this advantage Fern is strong enough to launch an attack that damages Lügner pretty severely, but Granat is bleeding out and with Linie still at full strength, Stark urges a retreat rather than a fight to the death at this point.  Fern’s style puts Lügner in mind of someone, and he soon realizes who it is – Sousou no Frieren.  Call her the slayer, the undertaker, whatever you like – her name is clearly legend among his kind.

Frieren’s plan all along was to take on Aura the Guillotine herself, something she wanted Fern and Stark to have no part of.  She left the other two demons to them because she had no choice – I think we can assume Aura is considerably stronger than both of them.  We know Frieren considers herself stronger even than Aura, but this enemy hasn’t been sealed in stasis for the past 28 years – presumably she’s been preparing for this rematch (something we’ve seen no evidence of from Frieren).  Whatever happens when these two face off, I think we can expect it to be pretty loud.



  1. R

    Well to be fair both Vinland Saga and Pluto are seinen manga written by mangaka whose portfolio mainly in mature category so you can’t really compare…

    I agree the characters are not holding enough weight, but it’s still pretty good. Shonen Sunday has been underappreciated in these few years, so I’m happy there’s one good manga getting adapted, and by Saito Keiichiro.

  2. L

    To be completely fair, as much as I like, Pluto and Vinland Saga, those series not on 100% impress or move me with exploration of ideas and character writing, especially Vinland Saga which is much more inconsistent in quality, got a bit disappointed in the manga. The higher the show aims, the more demanding reader/viewer can be, so I’m kinda glad Frieren is not trying to go that deep.

  3. R

    I’m impressed by how good this show handles the tonal change. At the same time, I miss those casual moments and flashbacks. They add a sense of nostalgia, a glimpse of intimacy and a dose of melancholy.

  4. I’m sure they’ll be back in droves…

  5. N

    We pick up exactly where the last episode ended when Draht encountering Frieren in the prison cell. Considering how it went, she could have ended him at any time, but I guess she was curious about what he’d show her first. Curiosity sated, it’s time to finish it and Draht can’t even spit out any final words. Heck, she’s more worried about the dead guard outside as she’s got no alibi for it. It’s time to leave, after all.

    At the town, Fern thinks that something will be going down soon and she’s right about that. Draht’s assassination attempt does indeed mess up Lügner’s plans. Stark is still shaking after his encounter with Lügner, but he finds his resolve. Yep, they both run into the escaped Frieren. She leaves them to handle Linie and Lügner, while she heads directly to the boss, Aura. She actually smiles too, which indeed the meaning of it is open to intrepretation.

    Graf Granat is smart enough to put two-and-two together and figures out that Lügner isn’t really a peace envoy. Lügner himself seems to be glad he no longer has to put up with this charade and lets loose with his powers. Granat’s guards are taken out immediately, but Lügner needs Granat alive to lower that defensive barrier that was created by Flamme. That’s one heck of a spell to have lasted over a thousand years, which is a part of Lügner’s rant.

    Fern and Stark sneak into the palace at night and Stark finds himself alone with Lügner and Linie and an injured Granat. Yep, it was a distraction to give Fern a good blast at Lügner. He survives the blast but is shocked at how much damage it did to him. Prioritizing the safety of Granat, the two retreat with him. The 2nd round will be coming later. Last, we see that Frieren has made it to Aura. It looks like any demon slaying will not be until the next episode. We also see where Fern learned her attack pose from. The matches are set, and we should expect some fireworks next week.

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