It’s a travel weekend for me, so please pardon the brevity (and lateness) of this batch of posts. There’s no opportunity to catch up once the week starts so sacrifices have to be made…
Whatever happened with last week’s delayed Mairimashita! Iruma-kun (possibly at fault was the NHK-Netflix dispute over ads), it’s back on schedule this week. And another pair or Misfits get their turn in the spotlight – Agares-kun and Garp-kun. While they’re both certainly supporting characters, Agares has gotten a few spotlight dances before – he’s one of the more distinctive members of the class. Garp OTOH has veery much been a background player up to this point. I wasn’t even aware (though I might just have forgot) that he and Agares were best friends.
As for that castle, turns out it was an extension of Agares’ “My Area” ability (which does make sense). And it’s an impressive one at that – and very useful in a moment like this. Agares has provided the safe haven, and Garp is doing most of the actual hunting. He’s rather surprised to return home and find this quarter of lovestruck females fawning over Agares, but he’s the one who provides them a warm welcome. And this is a recurring theme with Garp – he seems to love helping people without getting anything in return (all part of his quest to gather 100 friends).
Garp’s personality obviously clashes with Agares’, and this has been a sort point for sleepyhead. But he’s basically tsundere for Garp, which is fairly obvious and which the girls figure out quickly enough (and squee over). Not too much I would call actually essential to the story happens in this A-part, but these two have an entertaining relationship so this diversion works well enough. Meanwhile, the teachers from the special training (almost all of them anyway) have gathered for a noumikai to check in on their charges and argue about which ones will come out on top.
It’s inescapable that Iruma and Lead are sitting on a big fat goose egg here, even as most of their classmates are doing pretty well (including two at their expense). Sullivan doesn’t seem too concerned – he’s more about remotely doting on his grandson – but Bachiko (who Sullivan has dragged along to the drinking party) takes it as a personal affront. Lead and Iruma are having some guy talk about romance rather than stressing over it though, and where Iruma is concerned you have to figure the tables are going to turn at some point.

November 28, 2022 at 3:23 pmThe featured pair for this episode is Agares and Garp. Indeed, Garp certainly has been a background character through the series so far, but he certainly has the skills to work through this exam. It’s a good thing that it’s a rather roomy castle because it seems like Garp may be bringing in a lot of other students by the end of the arc. With Agares’ quick construction of the castle, the first thought that I had in mind was Sunomata Castle (Famously built overnight by Toyotomi Hideyoshi), but I didn’t notice any nods to that. It is a weird friendship that they both have, but it is a friendship.
In the B-part, the tutors are having a fun time with their drinking party. Part of it is talking about their charges and their own personal experiences with the Harvest Festival. It was fun to see a younger Balam-sensei and Kalego-sensei in that montage. While the teachers are living it up, the Misfit Class settles down for the night to get some sleep… Except for Asmodeus and Sabnock, who are pulling an all-nighter with the Dorodoro Brothers. It looks like we’ll be circling back to them in the next episode.