Boku no Hero Academia Season 6 – 09

Trying to keep up with coverage while traveling really is a Sisyphean task, especially with a fairly big season like this one.  Again, my only option is to go short with these posts or it’s just going to be cascade failure once the week starts.  That’s especially difficult with HeroAca this season, since pretty much every episode is a balls-out blockbuster.  There’s so much happening in terms of plot and character that every episode fundamentally changes the reality of the setting in one way or the other.

When a major character saws off his own leg in battle and that doesn’t even make the front page, you know your episode made a lot of news.  Quick thinking by Aizawa-sensei certainly, but man – that’s a drastic sort of response.  And it doesn’t even buy him much time, because Shigaraki immediately jumps in and tries (succeeds?) to gouge Eraser’s eyes out.  At the very least it clears him of “Erasure” for the moment, and that looks to be pretty much game over.

It’s all hands on deck for the hero side at this point, and Shouto intercedes to buy some time himself, and to cool his father’s jets while he’s at it.  Deku uses this respite to unleash the next in his series of One For All abilities – “Float”.  This is the ability of none other than Shimura herself (ironically), which brings a smile to Gran Torino’s (not dead yet) face.  It’s a logical play and the only one Deku really had – if Shigaraki isn’t touching the ground, he can’t unleash Decay 2.0.  Theoretically Deku shouldn’t be showing all these quirks off in public, but such concerns are trivial in the face of what’a happening at the moment.

Its inescapable that here at the end of all things it’s a 16 year-old student facing off against the apocalypse, not the number one hero.  It certainly doesn’t escape Endeavor’s attention.  Again, in different times that would be the headline but the stakes are simply higher at the moment than they’ve ever been.  Deku has certainly proved himself beyond anyone’s reasonable doubt, and Endeavor simply isn’t a #1 on the level of his predecessor.

As you would expect he’s beating the hell out of his body using One For All Classic at 100% power.  But at least he’s inflicting some damage on the enemy in the process.  You knew there had to be a price to be paid for Shigaraki waking up too early, and that price in an inability to keep all of All For One’s stolen quirks humming along.  Deku, as a boy who knows what it’s like to try and contain many quirks when your body might not be ready for it, recognizes his opponent’s vulnerability and throws whatever caution he has left o the wind.

The other interesting element here is Bakugo, who (in flashback) give us a sense of why his and Deku’s fates are so intertwined.  And a reminder of how perceptive he is.  Kacchan is the one asking All Might the tough questions, because no one else is asking them.  In the present, he understands that Izuku is simply engaging in a war of attrition – which he seems destined to lose eventually.



  1. Going by social media you’d think this episode was awful… Twitter is something else. Anyway, I thought it was a great episode that, animation quality aside, really hit a lot of emotional notes MHA is known for hitting. It’s been a while but I’m heavily invested in what’s happening within this arc.

  2. BnHA fans don’t deserve Horikoshi. As a rule, they’re a pretty miserable bunch.

    That said, though, the reviews on MAL for this ep are super high.

  3. J

    The issue was that readers thought the manga arc peaked here and it was all downhill afterwards, so there was this unreasonable expectation set on this episode with Deku vs Shiggy to be a fight on par with all of the other major fights from past seasons in terms of sakuga (i.e. Deku vs Overhaul, Deku and All Might vs AFO, Deku vs Todoroki), and yet they never got that here in spite of the strong emotional beats of the narrative. So they’re all hating on this episode for “ruining” the “last” great moment of the manga. While at the same time circlejerking over the mindless fight between Ichigo and Yhwach in Bleach that same week (complete with the same STUPID plot twist at the end that further dragged that story down).

    Some folks are just never satisfied.

  4. K

    Great episode and love the backstory to Deku and Kacchan relationship and training for the float powers. Bit concerned for Kacchan though. He is a bit of a bore when he is doing his usual annoying behavior but when he calms down and talks seriously the boy has got depth to him and then becomes my favorite character of the show. Pity we don’t see more of this side of him.

    I mentioned some time ago that I don’t see how anyone can beat Shiragari when he is fully powered and here we see that he isn’t even fully powered and was on the verge of beating everyone, then we got Super Gigang guy and the thinking Nomus where one of them gave Endeavor and All Might a run for their money. I don’t see this ending well OR the writer has wrote himself into a corner where some seriousout of nowhere derriere pull deux ex machina comes into play. From a narrative perspective, as i am very invested, I would rather the former than the latter.

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