Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 2nd Season – 09

I just moved and am thus, unsurprisingly, exhausted.  But Mairimashita! Iruma-kun is the perfect show for such circumstances.  There are no bad times to watch it, to be sure.  But when you just want to relax and smile your face off, there’s nothing like this series.  It may never be the best show airing at any given time (subjective as that is) but it’s as close to functionally perfect an anime as I’ve seen in years – the Platonic ideal of a school comedy.  In terms of living its best life, Mairimashita Iruma-kun is the standard – it’s simply the best at being exactly what it sets out to be.

That starts with the main trio, of course.  Iruma, Clara, and Azz-Azz are for me perfect characters for all intents and purposes.  This wouldn’t work if Iruma wasn’t totally loveable without being self-aware about it, but of course he is.  But Azz and Clara are remarkable too.  They’re such ideal sidekicks, both as individuals and as a mismatched pair.  Hilariously funny, totally dedicated to Iruma-kun, just generally perfect.  Am I gushing?  Sorry – but an ep like this, which really shows off the main trio, brings it out in me.

Then we have Ali-san, a new addition to Team Iruma this season.  Another great creation by Nishi Osamu to be sure, but boy – I can’t imagine this character without Miki Shin’ichirou.  Talk about living your best life, Miki is like a jazz musician on the roll of his life here.  When he’s doing screwball comedy, Miki has the rare ability to make scripted material seem improvized.  He’s not just riffing here, but it sure seems like he is – and it all comes from the personal style he brings to the dialogue.  It reminds me in an odd way of Robin Williams’ performance in Aladdin – much of which was improvized, as it happens, so maybe Miki is freestyling just a bit here and there.

How adorable is it that Clara and Azz are so insecure about Iruma slipping back into his evil cycle that they’re clinging to him like toddlers?  And of course he can’t say no, even when his classmates come to his aid – so they all decide to dogpile themselves.  Here we get a reminder of Iruma’s insecurity – as it happens, he’s bad at studying (and tests).  Let’s not forget his human parents were such scum they never even sent him to school.  Iruma has developed self-confidence in many respects, but there’s no question part of him carries that fear about his past – that this could all go away at any moment.

Naturally his besties are going to help out – Azz, especially, as he’s seen a vision of Iruma as the demon king (duh).  Clara is, hilariously, a better student than Iruma – a blow to his self-confidence to be sure.  The arrival of Ameri’s stalker Eligoth Schenell into the battler is a bit of a spanner in the works (kind of a dick move by Ameri to pass him off on Iruma, actually) – he figures to be mainly a comic relief character, but I’ve been surprised by this series many times.  Fortunately Schenell is self-absorbed enough that the others are able to get back to studying – not that this goes well for Iruma, despite Azz’ best efforts to boost his confidence.

The highlight of this sequence for me was absolutely the “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” parody.  I love Iruma but I mean, seriously – who the heck uses Clara of all people for a phone-a-friend?  The stakes are actually high here, because test results can impact ranking – and if Iruma drops a rank, that could be it for Ali-san’s corporeal form.  Fortunately for Iruma he stumbles on a book by the much-feared professor Balam – one which actually uses rather brilliant methods of confidence-building to set the student up for success.  As a result when Balam is the sub for netherworld history, Iruma is the only one happy about it.

Also – I definitely want to see Smart Clara for an episode…



  1. Ameri gave them Schenell actually a blessing in disguise. Remember that their club have to a third year student or a couple of second year to not be disbanded. So sentences Schenell to Iruma’s club allow the club to stay open while channelling Schenell skill ito something constructive.

  2. P

    Ameri passing Eligoth onto Iruma-kun shows that she trusts him. She wouldn’t want Eligoth running around loose, unsupervised, given what he did to her, but as the student council president she doesn’t have time to babysit him. Iruma-kun is responsible enough to supervise him, plus with Iruma-kun’s ability to touch demons’ hearts, he might be able to reform Eligoth so he is no longer a threat. (Iruma-kun never being able to say no also helps her case).

    With all of the in depth knowledge Balam had on humans in his book, I was expecting him to turn out to be another human that moved to the demon world, since Ameri’s father dropped hints last season about other humans that lived in secret there for a time. Based on the end of the episode, though, I think Balam is another eccentric demon and not a human.

  3. R

    More of my favorite characters incomiiiiing.

    I love Iruma-kun to death no matter what genre it’s kicking around for a given arc (it can do pure shounen with the best of them and I sincerely hope the anime gets far enough to showcase that) but for me the diabetes inducing sweetness of just…FRIENDS. Caring and supporting each other. Without needing some sort of convoluted or high stakes situation. It’s the reason I love Iruma-kun to death and back, it just oozes positivity in an open and honest way that a lot of series struggle to.

    And it’s rewarding to see someone who’s clearly been given the short end of the stick in life be rewarded. Even tho they couldn’t be more different tonally, I’m actually sort of reminded of Natsume’s Book of Friends in that sense. The idea that good things happen to good people is so simple, but maybe because of it’s emotional simplicity, not too many series seem to embrace it whole heartedly. There’s definitely a place for tragedies or dramas or deep philosophical debates about human nature and morality and what not, sure. But sometimes you wanna just kick back and enjoy something positive

  4. Miira no Kaikata gives off the same vibe.

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