Godzilla Singular Point – 02

OP: “in case…” by BiSH

Godzilla S.P is the Godzilla anime I needed and didn’t know I wanted.  I’ve always loved the Godzilla franchise (the original film is a horrifically underrated masterpiece), but never really thought much about it coming to anime.  And when anime did try and tackle it with mediocre results, that hardly served as motivation.  But here we are, and thank goodness – because this series is the most interesting take on the Godzilla franchise I’ve seen since- well, since I can remember – in any medium.  Writing really matters.

If Mars Red and Jouran serve as natural bedfellows this season, I think that could apply to Godzilla Singular Point and SSSS.Dynazenon.  Both series are loving homages to staples of Japanese pop culture, written by folks who clearly know the mythology encyclopedically.  Singular Point is a treasure trove of Easter eggs for kaiju fans (Mei is at the center of it – her room is a kind of shrine).  The ED is non-stop references to the franchise’s history, and there are already videos out there cataloguing all the references in the first two episodes.  I’m sure I’m whiffing on at least 90% of them.

It’s Rodan – or Radon as it’s called in the Japanese – rather than Godzilla who’s at the heart of the first two episodes, kaiju-wise.  The name itself is complex – it’s a contraction of Pteranodon, and also corresponds to the name of a Greek mythical dragon.  There’s also an environmental aspect to this, as in radioactivity – which Radon apparently gives off in the form of radon gas – just as there is with Godzilla (though not in his name, which is simply the Japanese for gorilla).  And it’s Radom who’s menacing Yun and the small boy he’s protecting in the cliffhanger.

Jet Jaguar and Gorou arrive in the nick of time to save the pair, but the old engineer and his robot get their asses kicked pretty good by Radon.  Piloting it remotely is a better option, but Yun needs to reboot it for the new command program to kick in, which leads to the longest 90 seconds of his life.  Eventually, though, with some help from Truck-kun the mecha does reboot and eventually the pteranodon decides to bail.  It then promptly drops from the sky stone dead, its skin burning to the touch, and a media frenzy begins.

In classic monster movie fashion, threads are unspooling all over the place, waiting to be tied together.  At the observatory, the Director (Urayama Jin), sends the restless Satou (Azakami Youhei) off chasing ghosts in the “secret file room”.  There’s a hilarious moment when Satou feebly tries to find a microfiche reader, having no idea what it is.  A professor named Li has contacted Mei to talk about her notes, which Pero (Kuno Misaki) has compiled into a proper research paper and released (with himself as co-author).  And the fiery Kanahoma Satomi (Takeuchi Ayako) has showed up at Outaki with instructions from the hospitalized Gorou to get cracking on fixing Jet Jaguar, as the shit is really about to hit the fan.

Exactly how Enjoe intends to tie all this together should be fascinating to see.  I couldn’t help but notice that Professor Li works for the (ominously named) Shiva Foundation, and there was an India connection to the song playing on the crystal radio at the haunted house.  We’re already seeing the red tide referred to by the local shrine myths, and more Radons are turning up all the time – dead.  That’s not a patch on what’s coming, though (the huge flock of Radons is only the tip of the iceberg).

Damn, this is good fun – in the way that a good kaiju flick is always fun.  When a really intellectual writer with a sense of humor (as Enjoe obvious is) tackles great pulp material, brilliant results often follow – it’s one of the most reliable formulas in fiction.  The OP and ED are bangers.  And happily my only complaint with the premiere, the CGI, was much less of a problem in this episode.  There was a lot more of it (Radon played a much bigger role) but it was much more natural and convincing than what we saw last week.  With Godzilla S.P, the evidence continues to grow that Netflix is figuring out this anime production thing, and that would be an extremely welcome development.

ED: “Aoi” by Polkadot Stingray



  1. R

    It’s always a good sign when we don’t need to deploy the three-episode rule to tell what is good or not. I’m thinking that your weekend is going to be busy, Enzo. 🙂

  2. D

    The way the story is being built up really harks to mind the 90s Godzilla and especially the 90s Gamera flicks. Great stuff.

  3. L

    Enjoying this. Just wishing it didn’t have CGI at all.

  4. N

    I’ve never seen anything from the Godzilla franchise, but this got me captivated!

  5. See the original ’54 Toho movie at least – it’s an important part of the historical record.

  6. R

    Damn, two episodes and it’s looking really good. We might hit jackpot this season.

    By the way Enzo, what are your opinions about Godzilla trilogy Anime movies?

  7. Fine, pretty soulless. I prefer the old Heisei Toho movies. Th original obviously, but some of the follow-ups were quite good. Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995) is probably the sleeper of the franchise.

  8. r

    Maybe I should try some of the old movies…I’m basically a noob in Godzilla franchises, having only watched the anime trilogy movies and western Live adaptation ones.

  9. Start at the start – 1954. The full anti-nuke messaging. As I said, Godzilla vs. Destroyah is a good one. Ghidorah too.

  10. T

    HBO Max has quite a few of the old ones (including the original) with most of them in Japanese with English subs so you avoid a lot of the awful english-dubbing that they did. Archive.org also has a bunch of them including the original Godzilla vs. Kong movie.I binged quite a few of them before the new Godzilla vs. Kong came out and it has really helped me better appreciate the new Godzilla media coming out.

  11. R

    I always feel weird whenever anyone puts the original Godzilla in with any of the spinoffs (maybe because I watched it for the first time after I was in college) because the original-original Godzilla movie always felt almost more like a horror mystery movie. Giant monster rampage yes, but given that it’s an allegory for the atomic bombs dropped on Japan then like, what, 7 years of media censorship about said bombing, written by someone alive during that bombing, it never really felt like any of the various spinoffs and sequels.

    Or my media lit class in college made me 50% more pretentious, who knows.

  12. Those things are not mutually exclusive…

    To an extent, I agree with you. But there are similar political tones to some of the other films (like the aforementioned Destroyah), though not all of them and generally not the more recent ones. Unless you count the Anno reboot, but that was basically a nationalist propaganda film with almost no Godzilla in it.

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