Life in Japan Episode 1: Christmas in Kyoto

Here’s the premiere of another planned regular series on the LiA YouTube channel – “Life in Japan“.  I spent a couple of days in Kyoto (and Nara) for Christmas, and here are a few of my photos and videos.  I obviously won’t be doing a lot of traveling for a while, so I stuck close to home and concentrated on outdoor venues with lots of space and places where tourists don’t go.

As always, I appreciate your support!   I hope you’re having as pleasant a holiday as possible under the circumstances, and I’ll see you on the channel for my Anime of the Year video.





  1. R

    I really liked the last three sites in particular. I always like going places that are less touristy. Do you know at the Daigoji temple what that tall structure was that looked like bundles of hay tied together?

  2. Ah, that’s a tree with bundles of straw tied to it. It’s a bug-eradication trick and you see it a lot at Japanese gardens. It’s called Komomaki.

  3. R

    Those looked like really chill places to hang out, wondering if they’re all public places or do they have some sort of entrance fee when entering.

  4. Daigoji-1000 Yen
    Komyou-in – 300
    Kitano Tenjin, Fushimi Inari – free
    Kasuga Taisha – free
    Todaiji – 600 (Daibutsuen area – upper area is free)
    Yakushiji – 1000 Yen

  5. R

    Happy Holidays Enzo…and thanks so much for the video. I’m a little jealous — as I love, love, love Kyoto — but I’m happy for you. There are so many places that I wanted to experience in Kyoto, and Daigoji is one of them. Thank you so much for capturing it. Komyou-in is really beautiful — I didn’t even know about it — and I love round windows, too.

    Yes, please do more of these video (and safe travels)!

    May the new year bless you with health, wealth and happiness!

  6. You too, always appreciate the contribution!

  7. T

    Not sure where life is going to take me or if it’ll ever be anywhere near Japan, but if it doesn’t these videos gotta be the next best thing! Very relaxing, drinking some coffee while listening 🙂 Love getting to see some of the sights and learn some of the history, thank you Enzo!

    Hope you had a nice Christmas and wonderful New Year!

  8. You too Tyler, and thanks. Hopefully Circumstances allow me to travel some in the coming year and if so, I’ll certainly share those experiences.

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