Diving Into the Deep End – The Return of Notaku Anime Chat

After a very long hiatus (don’t remind me how long, it makes me feel old), Notaku is back.  Setsuken and I are focusing on the podcast side of things this time around, and we start off this week with a show that delves into why we decided to come back, and what our goals are for the future.  We also touch on COVID, what we’re (re)watching, and a variety of anime topics including the news of the week.  You can listen to the podcast right here:

Or visit the following links:

One thing we’ll be doing going forward is answering listener questions in the podcast, so please feel free to leave any questions or comments you have either here or through the comments section in the above links.  I’ll also be sending a special invitation to my Patreon patrons and Paypal subscribers in the next couple of days – stay tuned for that.

Thanks very much for your continued support of LiA, and for checking out Notaku again after this long wait.  We’re planning on making this a weekly broadcast, so I hope you’ll stick around.  I still think there’s room in anime for shows that dare to be different, and I hope there’s room for folks like Setsuken and myself to walk about them.  Stay frosty!



  1. S

    The lack of comment is depressing so, good job Enzo and Setsuken for your return.

    When I saw the video pop up on my youtube feed, I was wondering what the hell was that Notaku and why was I subscribed to it to be honest. Completely forgot about this. ^^

    I really like podcast format but it’s hard to have the few extra hours available to listen (and concentrate, not just as background noise) so I’ll only be able to finish it during the week-end. That being said, I like long format (around 2 hours is good) since you have time to develop the news/themes discussed. I’m not sure about it being weekly but that’s just a thought and it works for other podcasts.

    Also if I remember correctly, the audio seems much more improved this time so that’s nice.

  2. Yes, the audio equipment has leveled up substantially.

    The goal is to be a littler shorter than 2 hours in the long haul, but the first ep had a lot of catch-up. As for weekly – are you concerned that’s too often, or not often enough?

  3. S

    Sorry I wasn’t clear : too often. That’s just my impression considering you don’t have many current series to talk about (you can always compensate with the other sections ofc). And anyway that’s just the opinion of one person.

  4. We’ll see how that plays out. If so, we can adjust.

  5. R

    I know it’s completely unrelated, but for a second my brain read that as Nutaku (the somewhat infamous hentai english game website) and I nearly spat out my water all over my keyboard seeing it on LiA lol

    I haven’t actually listened to it yet, but grats on the return. I’ve certainly got time to spare to listen to podcasts nowadays lol. As for the pacing, instead of weekly or biweekly, I’d say whatever best fits your guys’ schedule (I’m certainly not hurting for time)

  6. S

    Are you going to list this at Apple podcasts or somewhere Overcast can find it?

  7. Hi Steve. That is the plan eventually – hopefully soon.

  8. S

    I hope you list this somewhere Overcast or other podcast apps can find it.

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