Appare-Ranman! – 06

That this is an exceptionally frustrating anime season is hardly a bold statement.  Apparen-Ranman is not an especially frustrating series in itself – in point of fact it doesn’t elicit strong feelings one way or the other (which is part of the problem).  But it’s a vexing series to cover, because in truth it really should be part of a digest post at best but there’s really nothing to pair it with.  And this schedule is so barren that digest posts seem pretty counter-productive.  So in short I don’t know what the hell to do with it.

What I think we have here is a show that doesn’t do anything exceptionally well or exceptionally poorly.  I might note that seems to be the direction in which P.A. Works has generally been trending over the past few years, after a long run as one of anime’s more distinctive studios, which reflects the general Medical Mechanica effect going on across anime production.  This visuals are fine if not especially notable, the cast is full of big names (add Tsuda Kenjirou this week – nice to see him finally getting some work…) safely in their comfort zones.  The story is fairly predictable, and we never get past surface level with any of the characters (a couple of whom are potentially interesting for their atypical backgrounds).  It’s all… fine.

Team Gil is obviously the villain group at the moment, what with the Hototo connection and their own efforts to cheat.  For now it seems like they’re merely trying to win the prize money, which would be a separate and distinct matter from the plot to sabotage the race altogether which was teased last week.  I’m still guessing that’s a railroad deal and it doesn’t seem like Gil is involved there – I’d put my money on either Dylan or Tsuda’s newcomer Richard Riesman (who comes off way too normal and nice to be taken at face value).

Appare himself has never been especially likeable, and he was digging himself deeper with his cavalier attitude towards Hototo this week.  His lack of genuine concern for anyone but himself is perhaps his distinguishing feature, and the fact that he can apply it towards a child reflects how elemental to his nature it is.  The fact that he delayed the restart to give Kosame a chance to find Hototo petty much falls under the “least he could do” category but I suppose it’s better than nothing.

We’ll see whether the change of venue to Death Valley spikes the punch a bit.  Now that we’re in full race mode the pacing has certainly picked up, but I wouldn’t say the event has been exactly riveting so far.  I think Appare-Ranman needs to pick a couple major threads and stick with them – it’s trying to juggle too much and as a result, none of the subplots or characters are making much of an impression.  It’s still entertaining enough and I doubt I’d drop it altogether at this point, but a series has to have something to say to make you want to say much of anything about it.




  1. t

    Hello Guardian Enzo,

    I used to be a silent people of your audience. I follow you for five years now. And it’s the first time I see you to forcing yourself to review. I like Appare-Ranman, not you, but it’s not the point. The point is you review because you have to (apparently). If you don’t want to do this, don’t do it. Actually I read your complain about reviewing this anime, and it’s not my problem. You reviewing a lot of anime each years. So if you don’t reviewing one, it’s not a big deal. The fact that you have less anime to review because of the COVID is understandable.

    My english is very poor. Sorry for that. Don’t hesitate to delete this if you don’t understant.

  2. First of all, thank you for deciding to post a comment. The interaction is the thing that keeps a site like this thriving, so I hope we’ll see more of them.

    I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but it’s a tough balance in a season like this. I like reviewing anime – that’s why I’ve been doing it for ten years. When there’s so little out there, I want to give even a marginal show like Appare-Ranman every chance. But you do have to acknowledge that there’s a point where it just doesn’t pay to keep going. I did it with Deca-Dence, a show which I had much higher expectations for than this one. Maybe I’m there with A-R, I don’t know – I suppose I’ll re-assess after next week.

    I look back at Spring 2012, where at the peak I was covering 21 series, and just shake my head. 21! Plus Game of Thrones. I could never do that now and wouldn’t try, and there were a few among that number I probably should have dropped (and a couple I eventually did) but just the fact that there were 21 series (including carrryovers, but still) that struck me as worth blogging is astonishing. How times have changed in anime, and it’s not all the pandemic by a long shot.

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