Deca-Dence – 04

These are not normal times.  Not for the world, not for Japan, and not for anime.  I’m going to be dropping Deca-Dence (unless it surprises me next week, though at this point I’m so disinterested that I may not even watch next week) after this episode.  That’s not normal to begin with considering the director, but the headline for me is that this means I’ll be following zero Summer series, at least by the strictest definition.  Appare-Ranman and Fugou Keiji (neither a lock by any means to be covered) are delayed Spring shows, as is Major 2ndGreat Pretender is really a “tweener”, having premiered on Netflix in June.  I suppose one could count Nihon Chinbotsu 2000, since I did finish it (though I might have dropped it if it had a traditional release).

That, then, is a first.  Even in dismal Winter 2013 I finished a few shows, even if Kotoura-san was the only non-sequel.  This is not the sort of history I like to see anime making, and while the impact of COVID-19 is obviously a factor, it would be wishful thinking to lay all the blame at the feet of the pandemic.  The parade of depressingly generic (or worse) new series announcements this year is an inescapable reminder that the problem goes much deeper than social distancing at recording studios and compositing logistics.  And that it shows no signs of getting better.

Specifically with Deca-Dence, there are two huge obstacles here that I frankly see no chance of overcoming.  I find it quite boring, and I feel no affection for it whatsoever.  I don’t hate it (though it does disappoint me), but at least if I did I’d be feeling something.  Apathy on both the emotional and intellectual level is insurmountable.  I think this show is evidence of one of my firm beliefs about anime – with adaptations the most important staff member is the director, and with original series it’s the writer.

The problem is that everyone and everything is so generic – ironically exactly what the problem seemed to be after the premiere, despite the series lobbing “game-changing” reveals at the audience every week since.  That’s just cosmetic – fundamentally all the characters in Deca-Dence are dull and two-dimensional, and the situations eminently predictable.  It doesn’t even look all that great, really – certainly not a patch on the stuff Tachikawa-sensei did at Madhouse and Bones.  Even as an original written by someone else this is shockingly mediocre stuff from a talent like Tachikawa, which does happen sometimes.  This just happens to be the worst possible time for it to happen to him.



  1. y

    This season has been so underwhelming even I can’t muster much interest to watch things weekly. At least Fugou Keiji tomorrow?

    Are you still going to do a Summer Check-in post?

  2. I’ve been debating that very question. It would be a rather sad and forlorn affair, but I’ve never skipped one since I started doing them.

  3. A

    Because this season is so barren , maybe you’ll consider picking up Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu for coverage? It’s been so good lately I just can’t stop smiling after every single chapter. And the kinda big probabilty for an adaptation also brighten up the future a little

  4. A

    But then they’ll announce Kaji Yuuki is voicing Ichikawa at studio shaft directed by shinbo XD

  5. Don’t even joke about it!

    I totally agree with you, it’s fantastic. I tweeted out recently that I thought BokuYaba was the best romcom in animanga at the moment, and maybe the best romance period. Under anything like the old rules it’s a series that would have been certain to get an adaption. Now? With the incredible shrinking diversity of anime reflected in what’s being adapted – and sequeled – and what isn’t, I’m not taking anything for granted.

    As for blogging the manga, I suppose I could consider it, though the chapters are generally pretty short and it might be tough to get a full post’s worth of content out of some of them. It’s really observational humor, mainly, and the 22-minute anime eps (if they happen) will probably take 3 chapters at a shot. 2 for sure.

  6. A

    Yeah I could understand why it would be hard to blog. I’ll just stay optimistc and hope for a stellar adaption in the future.

  7. Seriously?
    Finally an anime with a lot of stuff to talk about and discuss and can’t find anything to write.
    Hum… your thing is really characters over story.

  8. P

    I agree, that this has not been a satisfying show thus far. I thought it was supposed to be a mecha show, but there hasn’t been anything like in a traditional mecha show with robot battles/human controlled robots. The closest thing to that are the little robot beings operating everything behind the scenes. (I guess the irony of the robots as the ones controlling the humans instead of vice versa)

  9. I’m liking because it’s not what it looked like at first glance. Not fitting into a mold, “it’s a mecha? it’s an isekai? it’s an online game?” is what makes this anime “good”. The person who created this story wanted to talk about something, and is doing this with the bits and pieces he likes.
    The characters may be cliché, but seriously, which character isn’t nowadays? It’s very, very, veeeeery hard to see a truly interesting character in “japanese cartoons”. Of course people will dislike what they don’t like but this particular criticism is being overblown.

  10. J

    Mediocrity becoming commonplace doesn’t mean you have to be satisfied with it. I’d rather we be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that sometimes expectations can be crushed than to pretend that something is enjoyable when it really isn’t.

  11. Most of the new shows of Summer 2020 are a washout but there are some that I am happy to watch. This show, Deca Dence, is not one of them. Admittedly, the concept is good but I was distracted while watching Episodes 3-4 and that’s usually fatal for it chances of me continuing. I had delayed watching Episode 3 to give the series a bit of room to breathe in its storytelling and watch it together with Episode 4. Nope. Didn’t hold my attention. I may come back to give it another go later.

    Bottomline, I count myself fortunate to not give in to the hype for this show due to the director. Thus, I do not feel deflated by this being below expectations since I had none for it.

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