Kami no Tou: Tower of God – 03

Pretty much everyone in Tower of God has a dodgy past that trails behind them like the train of a wedding gown.  That’s one thing when you’re talking about a story that seemingly goes on forever like the manhwa, quite another when you only have thirteen episodes.  Each brings its own set of problems, though of course only the latter is an operative concern for the anime.  In order to make all that complicated stuff fit, you have to exaggerate things quite a bit.  Some subtlety is lost in that process (though maybe some fat too, and Kami no Tou has plenty of that to spare).

So it is with Khun.  Superficially he and Bam could hardly be more different, but there is something in Khun’s past that links them in his mind.  That is to say, an innocence he once had but no longer does, which he still sees in Bam.  It was a casualty to betrayal and and nature of a noble’s existence in the tower.  We get only bits and pieces of the story here – a princess named Maria, something once sweet turned very sour, warnings from a mother to trust no one and to carry the responsibility for the Aguero family on your shoulders.

Back in the present, Rak finds it quite hilarious that Bam has never seen the sky before.  It falls to Khun to tell him that what he’s seeing is in fact just a simulation made of Shinsu, and that the real thing – the one that twinkles in the nighttime – is probably just a legend.  Bam doesn’t seem too worried about this, putting his faith in Rachel’s conviction that those stars are out there to be seen if one can only climb high enough.  Khun resists the urge to dissuade him, and in fact there’s a sense that part of him really wants to believe that himself.

The next test (again, very “Hunter Exam” in nature) is all down to doors.  A room full of them in fact, with instructions from a ranker named Han Sung Yu that a group must choose the correct door within ten minutes and that something terrible will happen if they don’t.  The noises coming from the room tip off the other groups to that, and the power trio get a hint from a “fluorescent plastic bag“.  The hint is a test in itself, directly from Han Sung Yu, to see if the group would be hurt or helped by it.  It winds up being the latter, though not through any help from Khun.

If Khun is once bitten twice shy and Bam pure wide-eyed wonderment, Rak is instinct.  And it’s clear that while Khun may be the smartest and certainly is the most experienced of the bunch, his skill set needs complementing.  In truth the test was simple – pick a door and be done with it.  The trick was exactly as Fukuro-san said – the real time limit was only five minutes.  As Khun dithers and Bam frets, Rak plows ahead.  Among the other teams, it’s the much-mocked Shibisu who figures out the trick for his trio (which Khun never did for his).  Afterwards, Shibisu expresses a certain kinship with Bam as the two most ordinary-looking types in the room.

At this point Lero-Ro eases back into the picture as the surviving teams chill out in a waiting room complete with Lero-Ro coffee ads and vending machines.  He offers a chance to play a bonus round – purely voluntary of course, with no penalties for declining, but the carrot of a free pass on all remaining tests to the winning team.  What the losing teams will reap he doesn’t specify but naturally almost everyone seems keen to seize the moment.  The Crown Game is pretty straightforward (seemingly) but while Rak would like to plow ahead, Khun prefers to sit back and watch things play out for a bit.  Supremely confident Anak is the first to jump in, and quickly earns Rak’s approval for her fighting skills (which the Black March seems quite taken by too – it’s quivering with excitement).

We’re still at the stage of Kami no Tou where the Hunter X Hunter* vibes can be rather pronounced, and there are definitely elements of this episode in terms of both plot and character that trigger them.  But as I’ve noted I consider that a positive rather than a negative, and as we get deeper into the story the differences assert their dominance over the similarities (for better or worse).  There’s a lot to get through in these next nine episodes, even with only the first part of the source material likely to be adapted, and some of the choices we see over the next few weeks are going to be very telling in terms of how the anime intends to handle that reality.


* On that note, R.I.P. the great Fujiawara Keiji, who passed away from cancer this week at 55.  I’ll always remember him as Leorio but he had a magnificent career and he was a unique seiyuu.  I had the chance to see Fujiwara-san at the Jump Festa HxH event years ago, and it was clear he was very much a father figure to the rest of the main cast.  He’d missed time with illness a couple of years ago and worked much more rarely since, so this doesn’t come as a complete surprise, but it’s still another piece of terribly sad news in a very sad time.




  1. M

    RIP Fujiwara Keiji. His death kind of hurts me because he’s such a great joy in his roles, I’ll miss him dearly. It’s sad too that due to Covid 19 there can’t be a huge funeral service for people to go and pay respect, so that will hurt a bit more for his colleagues.

    Back to ToG, some people did complain on how the anime adapted Khun’s backstory and how less the serious tone is, but I felt like the anime improved greatly the manhwa and upped the fun factor. I re-read Season 2 onwards and reminded me again on how fun the characters are even with how each of them had a lot of sad stories. But I do wonder how anime only watchers can keep up with the story because it seems the anime just throwing out the terms but cutting out the long explanation from manhwa, surely they will be confused now on what does all these terms mean.

  2. Yeah, I saw those complaints but it didn’t bother me. With only a cour instead of infinitum chapters you have to spell things out a little more for the audience. While Khun’s backstory is more implicit in the manhwa I didn’t see anything here that struck me as off.

  3. K

    I am anime only and so far I am keeping up fine with the story/characters and jargon. I love the mystery behind everything and still quite enjoying it at this point. We have another barren anime season (for me anyways) and this is now the only anime I am looking forward to weekly.

  4. R

    Oh no, a terribly sad news in a very sad time indeed. R.I.P.

    As for the show, it certainly is entertaining…I hope I will grow to feel the characters eventually though.

  5. I did in the manhwa – we’ll see if the anime can duplicate that with its pacing.

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