Well, that was certainly eventful.
Boy, there’s a lot going on in Vinland Saga at the moment. Pretty much every plotline we’ve been following for the last 20 episodes is converging at the ancient Roman town of York. York, by the way, is one of the coolest places anywhere in the British Isles – a walled city with large chunks of the battlements still extant (you can see where the neat Roman work stops and the ragged British work begins), a fantastically beautiful cathedral (York Minster – York has been a diocese since 314 A.D.) and some of the best food in the north of England.
Mind you in 1014 – ironically 700 years later on the dot – York was a festering shithole (to be fair, pretty much all of Britain was). The Vikings were using it as a base for slave trading, and King Swyen had headquartered himself there with the intention of making it the center of his empire. So it was at least a big shithole by the standard of the times. To this dump Leif has come, as we know – eleven years into his fruitless search for Thorfinn, which his one remaining crewman is urging him to abandon. Leif, Christian gentleman that he is, is horrified at the spectacle of the slave trading but unable to do anything about it.
We know a reckoning is coming between Canute and his father, and so do they – each of them is manoeuvring in advance of it in their own way. Askeladd is certain Sweyn will act to undercut his son at the council the next day, and in inimitable Askeladd fashion has taken pre-emptive measures. He stages a fake assassination attempt in order to arouse the gossip of the people and the troops, using a female slave (no male could be found as a lookalike) as the target. There are in fact two victims here – the slave woman and the assassin (who Thorfinn kills as part of the performance). Canute is furious to see the woman has died for him – but not so furious as to refuse to take advantage of the ploy.
Askeladd is indeed the spider here, as he’s certainly always spinning one web or another. But Floki is likewise a covert operator, acting as Sweyn’s agent against his son even if he’s not licensed to act yet. Askeladd knows what sort of man Floki is, and he knows things Floki doesn’t want known, which is an effective hedge. His plan has also tied Sweyn’s hand in acting against Canute, because suspicions are now rampant. Sweyn thinks he has a secret weapon in Gunnar spying for him, but Askeladd has naturally already sussed this out and does what any master strategist would do – rather than killing or exposing Gunnar, he’ll use him to make sure Sweyn knows exactly what Askeladd wants him to. Even Thorkell is grudgingly impressed.
In this den of intrigue and betrayal what happens between Thorfinn and Leif seems almost straightforward – but somehow even more tragic for that. Leif is no more and no less than he appears – a decent, peaceful man who loved Thors and wants to save his son as payment for all the big man did for him. Thorfinn is as cold as you can imagine – he asks not about his mother or sister, but about Vinland. I think the reason is clear – in Thorfinn’s mind, he’s already betrayed his father far too grievously to ever face his family again. The choice he’s made – revenge at all costs, including his soul – was also a choice to cut off his family and his home. All that remains to him after his mythical revenge is complete is the new world, and a the theoretical clean slate it offers. Truly, this is a lost boy.
Leif is an explorer, a pioneer – I suspect he’s true to his word about never giving up now that he’s finally found his elusive raft in a massive ocean. There’s a lot still to play out between Thorfinn and Leif, but for now the focus turns to Askeladd again – and to Bjorn, who lies dying in a lonely room inside the keep. Bjorn expresses concern for Askeladd’s leg, but he has ulterior motives – he just needs to know if Askeladd is still good to hold a sword. It’s immediately clear what that’s about, and Askeladd is certainly in no position to decline.
Though Thorfinn (goaded by Leif’s arrival, no doubt) challenges Askeladd to yet another duel the next day, Askeladd begs off to finish his business with Bjorn. Remember, a Viking has to die in battle to get to Valhalla – and Bjorn would surely choose to die at Askeladd’s hand before anyone else’s. Bjorn says all the things I’ve been saying about Askeladd for weeks – what a tragic figure he is, how alone his never-ending machinations have made him. “Isn’t it lonely?” is the poignant question Bjorn asks as he prepares to leave this world – and he admits that what he’s always wanted was to be Askeladd’s friend. But Askeladd isn’t the sort of man who has friends…
Askeladd is old by the standards of the age, and perhaps he is becoming sentimental in his dotage based on the events of last week and this. I don’t know that we can say for sure whether he was truthful when he called Bjorn his friend, or was merely offering some comfort to a dying comrade – but I do think it’d fair to say he didn’t hate Bjorn, as Bjorn said. Like Thorfinn Askeladd has made a choice, and the road he walks is resolutely a solitary one – but that doesn’t mean the man has no feelings. And as he prepares to “play” with Thorfinn once more, the sense is that he’s intent on teaching the lad a real lesson this time – that his patience is tapped, and he’s in truth he’s not remotely in a playing mood. I wouldn’t want to be Thorfinn for these next few minutes – it’s probably only Canute’s presence as referee that will prevent things from ending tragically.

Miyu Fan
December 9, 2019 at 8:48 pmI always believed that Askeladd truly thought of Bjorn as his friend – no matter how much he waxed on how someone is a slave to something or how he hates the Danes, there’s no way he won’t at least be touched on how Bjorn stuck by him no matter what and never betrayed him. In fact to me he’s starting to be sentimental with him agreeing to help Canute just to save Wales, which doesn’t really benefit him personally in terms of money and safety.
December 10, 2019 at 8:42 pmAgreed. I do think Askeladd truly hated Bjorn for being a Dane and a viking, but I also think he couldn’t help himself but to think of the man as a friend. People are complicated and can hold contradictory feelings and I think this is the case here.
Guardian Enzo
December 10, 2019 at 8:54 pmI have no quarrel with that interpretation.
December 9, 2019 at 9:22 pmEven among manga readers, there’s been plenty of discussions about Bjorn’s death, about whether or not Askeladd truly meant it that Bjorn was his friend. Personally, I’ve always been of the belief that he genuinely meant it, but now with voice acting, the anime gave me even more to chew on in that regard. How Askeladd was noticably more awkward when he was visiting Bjorn in his room, which really stood out compared to his usual behavior. The fact that his voice grows really flustered when he noticed that he missed Bjorn’s vitals. And especially the short moment of silence he had before he answered Bjorn. In a way, I think that silence was him actually processing those words – he might not have thought of Bjorn as a friend before, but didn’t hate him either. Perhaps it was in that moment that he indeed realized that Bjorn was a friend to him, just as Bjorn was about to die? It’s especially notable because Askeladd is pissed afterwards, which only happened before when his mother was called a slave – and as we know, he really values his mother. Bjorn obviously wouldn’t be held by him in such high regards as her, but it says something that this is only the second time that Askeladd gets so openly emotional.
In general, this was one of these moments. I knew it was coming, I knew exactly when it would happen, and yet it was still a punch in the gut just like with the manga. Back when I first started reading it, I wouldn’t have expected it, but Bjorn actually really grew on me – so it was genuinely sad to see him pass away, though he got the best death that he himself could have wished for, being killed in battle by the person he looked up to. This is such a rollercoaster, and I didn’t even say anything about the rest of the episode (which was also great). Only three more weeks…
December 9, 2019 at 10:49 pmIt’s almost routine how Vinland Saga appears to outdo itself every episode.
I feel like Bjorn was Askeladd’s one true friend. My impression of his last moments was that Askeladd was sad and taken aback that Bjorn would even entertain the thought that he wasn’t his friend, almost as if when he said “I hate the Danes” that he believed that Bjorn would understand that he was the one excluded from that statement.
But, as far back as episode 13, you could feel Bjorn’s frustration about Askeladd keeping secrets (such as his knowledge of the Welsh language) from him, and that created a distance in his mind that I really don’t feel Askeladd as aware of until Bjorn’s death.
December 10, 2019 at 1:33 pmWhew, what an episode that was. I feel like regardless of what’s been happening, Thorfinn reuniting with some piece of his past his been stuck on my mind since he left, so finally coming to see that in Leif and how it played out was truly heartbreaking. There’s really no other way that could’ve played out with Thorfinn in his current head space, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Then following that with Bjorn and Askeladd felt like they were really coming for me. I’d hate to be on the other side of Askelaad’s sword in the next episode, but I feel like this could be especially rough for both of them given that they’re recovering from injuries and may lack some finesse.