An Early Holiday Message From Enzo

I thought this would be a good time to briefly touch base regarding a few important website matters, so please bear with me…

First, let me mention Amazon.  I don’t talk about it very often but one way to support LiA at no cost to yourself is just to click on the Amazon links in the sidebar when you’re making an online purchase (yes, it works with Prime).  100% the same Amazon experience and pricing – the only difference is that you’re helping me keep this site going.  Obviously I deeply appreciate all of you who help on Patreon and Paypal (especially those of you who keep the subscription going long-term), but I know not everyone can do that – and supporting via Amazon helps, too.  Another new year, another bump in hosting and operations costs – every little bit helps tremendously!

We’re heading towards a new year of course, and a new decade too (yes nitpickers, I know about ordinal decades but any 10 year period is a decade, so zip it).  That means the usual year-end posts, and maybe a little surprise or two as well.  Stay tuned for that.

Lastly, next year is a huge one for LiA.  The site is celebrating its 10th anniversary, which in this corner of the internet is a pretty significant accomplishment even if I say so myself.  I definitely want to do something big to commemorate the occasion – I have a few ideas but nothing definite yet.  If you have suggestions by all means please let me know, either through the comments here or messaging me on twitter or FB.  I’m sure I can figure out some kind of cookie for anyone whose idea I end up adopting.

That’s it for now – as always, my sincerest thanks to everyone who visits the site and even more, everyone who supports it.  It’s a labor of love, but love don’t keep the lights on…





  1. Happy 10th! One decade down; forever to go.

  2. Well, that’s optimistic!

  3. D

    Congrats on achieving lucky 10! Here’s to an ‘Elite’ future!

  4. Thank you!

  5. A

    Congratulations Enzo! This site has been part of my life for a very long time, and a major force in my continued interest of the medium. I wish for nothing but it’s longevity! And also very curious to see what you cook up for the end of the decade

  6. Thanks, Alonom – much appreciated!

  7. J

    Man, has it really been that long? I remember following your musings on episodes ever since you picked up Hunter x Hunter, even though I’ve never been the most active to comment in the past, taking aside my streaks on Vinland Saga and Boogiepop this year. Can wholeheartedly say that I always had a great time with your posts though, especially because you covered a lot of shows I loved (besides the mentioned ones, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on stuff like Mushishi, Parasyte, Otoyomegatari, Planet With, Natsume, and a lot of other titles, probably too many too count right now), even stumbled across a few things I wasn’t even aware of through you (Ginga e Kickoff!).

    So hey, cheers for keeping it up so long, and I’m looking forward to what the blogging future holds for you.

  8. Ginga e Kickoff – my ultimate “small pond” series…

    Thanks, as always.

  9. T

    Congratulations! Your posts have been very insightful, and I always read the respective post of any episode that I watch and always learn new things I never picked up on. So, thank you for that.

    Also maybe a top favourite list of all time, as a celebration of this decade?

  10. Thanks, and we’ll see…

  11. O

    Enzo, you opened the door so that Rinne Rokudo, Takashi Natsume, and Hozuki could keep me company when I desperately needed it. Thank you lots.

  12. That means a lot, thanks.

  13. S

    Dammit I wanted to be the snob and do the remark about 2019 not being the end of the decade. 😛
    It’s my excuse so I can catch up my 2016-18 break by the end of next year (yea I’m just kidding myself).

    I’ve been following since 2012 and I’m pretty sure the first post I read from your blog was your YKK recommendation. I rarely post comments but I appreciate your efforts and your consistency even after all these years. Hoping that Life will be good to you so that I can say the same thing next decade (to a very jaded Enzo I’m sure :P).

    I also hope that you can finish Hyouge Mono one day.

  14. ROFL, I still think about trying to do that someday.

  15. M

    Oh wow congratulations! I think I followed you around 2011-2012 from randomc blog and stick around because our tastes in anime kind of matched and both of us Miyu Irino fans lol. And I do enjoy reading your blog posts even if I don’t watch the show, love your writings. I’m mostly a silent reader and watched less anime now because of real life, but keep up the good work – I’ll always read your latest updates.

    For specials, could I suggest making Top 10 manga that deserved an anime adaptation but most likely never get one? And yes this is a stealth manga recommendation because I’m craving more good manga to read lol.

  16. 1. Spirit Circle
    2. Spirit Circle
    3-10. IBID

    Thanks, very kind of you to say. And that’s seriously not a bad idea.

  17. e

    Aaah, I still remember those sneaky wine & beer posts that hooked me in thy early blogging days (those + finding another Moribito fan)…
    Congratulations on your first decade, darling bud.

  18. I’d love to do some whisky posts now, but I suspect this url is so hard-wired I’d need to launch them on another page.

  19. K

    Happy Anniversary Enzo

    Speaking of a decade I do wonder if you plan to do your top favorites of the decade post. Crunchyroll recently posted a list of 100 favorites from the decade and it was disheartening to me how many great series they completely left off.

    I am not saying you should list 100 favorites (that’s a bit much) but I would love to see your top 25 or even just top 10.

  20. N

    Congratulations Enzo! Your dedication is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

    I can’t remember when I hopped on the LIA wagon exactly, but I did find an email I sent you back in 2011 about spoiler tags in the comments XD I can say with full certainty that LIA has shaped my anime experience ever since. I don’t’ always agree with you, but I can count on one hand the number of times I was disappointed with a series you spoke highly of, and have 2-3 fingers left over. And it’s hard to keep track of the gems I would surely have missed had I not been reading here, the most notable examples being Moribito, Gigna e Kickoff and Cross Game.

    As for what to do to commensurate this momentous occasion, what about a podcast where you share the behind-the-scenes history of the site? I’m certain this would be interesting to most readers, AND it’s the type of content that can really get people invested personally and therefore more inclined to support the site.

  21. Do you really want to see how the sausage is made??

    It’s an idea I hadn’t considered, I’ll say that. Hmm…

  22. N

    Probably not a sausage, not if I intend to eat it later. But a gourmet dinner? Of course. Who wouldn’t?

  23. M

    Hey Enzo. Quick question
    Is it possible to go through your link if I have amazon prime? I just want to make sure I can help while using Prime

  24. Shouldn’t make any difference at all, Marty. Your account is your account – the only thing that impacts LiA is whether you navigate to it through this link or not.

  25. Y

    Congratulations and Happy Holidays! 10 years is a long time, and I find it amazing and admirable that throughout all these years I can’t recall there ever been a time where you took a break for an extended time. As someone who struggles to have a steady and coherent output of writing, I really respect your ability to cover multiple seasonal anime.

    I don’t remember when I started coming to your site, but I remember finding out about it on Random Curiosity. And since I’ve always connected the most with your writing and tastes in anime there, I naturally ended up coming to your site more and more. It was really nice to find many of my favorites covered here, like Otoyomegatari, Natsume Yuujinchou , and Mushishi. I was also introduced to many great anime that I would’ve otherwise missed or dismissed. For one, you got me into baseball anime (a sport I’ve never really thought about in real life xD ) with Major.

    All in all, thank you for creating such a wonderful space!

  26. Well – the reason you can’t remember one is I’ve never taken one. Through two international moves and many weary patches,the most I ever took off was a couple of days. I guess I somehow thought that if I did take a break, no one would be here when I got back…

    Thanks for being a long-time reader and contributor, and for your good wishes.

  27. Happy Holidays Enzo, and thanks for everything you do! You’ve certainly turned me on to a few series I wouldn’t have even considered over the years, and also helped me find a few of the series that are now all-time favorites. (Obviously I don’t agree with everything you say,) but I do like to hear your informed opinions! I wish you good fortune into the new decade — hopefully we’ll get more new series with love poured into them and with interesting things to say.

  28. Much obliged, thank you.

  29. Congratulations!

  30. s

    Coming here to read your thoughts after watching a great episode–it’s seriously in my top 5 favorite things about being an anime fan. What did I ever do before I found LIA?

  31. Too much responsibility, ROFL.

  32. s

    I’m Baaaaaaaack…….and hoooooly crap; it really has been ten years hasn’t it? I’ve been here since the beginning. Hell, I remember the days you used to blog To aru majutsu no index and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it; oh how your tastes in any have evolved, and in many ways stayed the same as well. Here’s to watching your writing continue to evolve and anime hopefully having enough original ideas to motivate you to continue this site

  33. I’ll drink to that!

  34. A

    Your blog Is really wonderful. I discovered a lot of anime from here.

    One small request , can you cover Rilakkuma to Kaoru which is on Netflix before year end. It’s short but one of my favourite of decade.

  35. Thank you for that. I’ll give an episode or two a watch if I can somehow make time, no promises.

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