Dr. Stone – 03

I’m not a hard and fast believer in the three episode rule, and shows like Dr. Stone are the reason why.  Sometimes an hour or so of screen time is just not enough to reach a decision.  I’m fully aware that the product we’re seeing now isn’t representative of what this series will be when its premise is fully unfolded.  But there are some underlying issues which don’t seem likely to go away, and give me considerable pause.

One of those issues is Taiju, who doesn’t work for me either as a character or as a concept.  He’s not annoying on the Zenitsu/Boaris level, but he’s still annoying as hell.  He’s also symptomatic of the fact that all the major characters we’ve met so far (if you count Yuzurihara I guess the jury’s still out on her) are ridiculous extremes in a manner that very clearly was constructed so they’d fill the needs of the plot.  The difference between Taiju and Senku/Tsukasa is that they’re not particularly annoying, but they are equally ridiculous characters.  You could live for ten billion years and never meet anyone remotely like any of them.

This ridiculousness is the main Achilles’ heel for Dr. Stone, I think.  Because it’s trying to pass itself off as a semi-realistic take on a fantastical situation, the bar for suspension of disbelief is a little higher than it would be otherwise.  I find myself continually interested in the larger picture here, including the twists and turns in the plot, but disappointed in the way they’re executed.  The core premise is certainly a good one, and the dynamic as it’s been set up between Senku and Tsukasa is a good one.  It’s interesting and relatively original.  But the devil is in the details.

At this point, I think Dr. Stone desperately needs a infusion of new characters, stat.  It needs someone more believable for starters, and it needs more personalities to diversify the tone (for a show of its type, this one is strikingly dialogue-heavy).  I know those are coming, but I don’t know if they’re coming soon enough for me – and of course, I don’t know if they’re going to be any kind of solution to begin with.  One more week at least – then we’ll see.



  1. Manga follower here. This is still all setup. Next episode will not get you over the line, if I understand about what you’re looking for. The manga didn’t get going until the next batch of characters get introduced and be involved. You’ll need to wait out another 4 episodes, by my estimates.

  2. K

    In agreement with Enzo on this one in regards to unrealistic character and behaviour. I will give it a few more episodes tinsee where it goes. My only major gripe is no one has explained why the new guy is a superhuman – super strength, super speed, and sherlock Holmes analytic ability.

  3. I believe that’s because there is no explanation, honestly. Tsukasa is the most obvious, but none of the three we’ve met are remotely realistic in any way – they’re just whatever they need to be for the plot to work.

    I would contrast this to Yakusoku no Neverland, for example. As I noted I have some issues with the execution there too, but one gets the sense that Emma, Norman and Ray are all actual characters above and beyond what the story needs for convenience’ sake. They feel like real people at least to an extent, even though all of them are preternaturally gifted for 11 year-olds (though the explanation for that is at least internally consistent).

  4. A lot of things you have said I agreed with but I still enjoy the show more than I should. But I’m wondering how much of the loud mouth I can take, he’s VERY annoying to me.

    Also I couldn’t roll my eyes far enough when the strong one at the end deduced that they were gonna make gunpowder. Seriously?!?! At this point he’s not smart but basically psychic…

    I’m hanging on a little more because the proposed conflict seems interesting.

  5. R

    You spotted the weirdest part of the story Enzo. Taiju was always an odd character to have at the beginning. It’s clear to see why he is important to Senku and to a certain point to the story, but he is a weak character at this time to have so much focus on. Most people guess that the authors saw the reaction of the readers at that time and decided to change the focus on Senku only and to the soon to be introduced new characters. I think there are only a couple more “weak” episodes before we get to the meat of the story. I know it sucks forcing yourself to watch lukewarm episodes…but the good ones are coming, and I hope non-readers endure it long enough to have their minds blown.

  6. It is what it is, though. Even if I drop it I’ll probably keep watching for a few more weeks, and if it really picks up like people claim I can always go back to covering it.

  7. h

    100% agreement
    I can’t stand the ridiculousness

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