Summer 2019 Preview Poll Results

This was a whitewash, pretty much.  I certainly expected Vinland Saga to come out on top but perhaps not by quite such a margin.  Initially I was a bit surprised that Dr. Stone claimed second but then looked at the overall season again and, well – what other likely candidate was there, really?  Maybe Kanata no Astra (which I thought might do better than fourth).




  1. G

    This is a very weak summer season.

  2. It is, but here’s what really scares me.

    First of all, it comes on the heels of two weak seasons, and fall doesn’t look good either. That makes ‘19 a candidate for worst anime year on record. But the biggest fear factor for me is that there literally hasn’t been a new series announcement in at least three months that really interests me. Not a one. That’s easily a personal record, and the implications for Winter 2020 (and even Spring to an extent) are not good.

  3. G

    Watched UsiMusame and it was a decent slice of life series very similar to Usagi Drop.

  4. Hey Enzo, this comment is unrelated to this post, but I’m trying to dip my toe back into anime.
    I haven’t watched any anime (except Jojo’s) for the past three months because of uni stress. What have I missed? (lol)

  5. Dororo, Doukyounin, Sarazanmai, Komo Oto Tomare and Mix would be by top picks.

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