Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. – 08

Overused as the term is, Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. might conceivably be called a slice of life series.  And it sounds sort of odd to say a show like that would have a breather episode, but that’s kind of what this was.  In its understated way Doukyonin actually confronts some fairly heavy psychological issues, so in fact an episode pitched a little more emotionally low-key does represent a nice change of pace.  In fact, what I think we’re seeing is the settling influence Haru is starting to have on Subaru (and vice-versa, of course).

To the extent that there’s a serious underpinning to this ep, it’s the dream Subaru has, where he writes his first “book”.  More specifically, why he would be having this dream now after many years of not having it.  What’s changed in his life?  Well, the most obvious answer is Haru of course, but there’s also the fact that (because of her, mostly) Subaru has probably had more social interaction in the past few weeks (I’m guessing that’s how much time has passed) than he did for a year or more before that.  What is it, specifically, about that which brought these old memories back from his subconscious?

One thing I have to reiterate: cats are absolutely protective towards the humans they bond with.  How much so depends on the cat of course, but some are quite obsessive about it – and they have an emotional radar which is almost frightening in its sensitivity.  If even we tone-deaf humans can pick up on how fragile a soul Subaru is, it’s certainly no stretch that Haru would.  Subaru seems stuck in emotional childhood, in a way – having his parents taken from him has frozen part of him in time.  It’s quite heartbreaking really, seeing a successful adult man suffer so much in functional terms for not having his parents with him – but they, too, were protective.  And Subaru surely never understood just how much he depended on them until they were no longer in this world.

Hiroto is a good friend to Subaru (last week’s transgression notwithstanding), in part because he manages to be protective (Subaru can’t even be trusted to eat enough to sustain himself) without enabling all of his reclusive tendencies.  One imagines there were stretches of time were Hiroto, irritant though he might be, was Subaru’s only connection to the world for months at a time.  Haru may never warm to him the way things are going, but Hiroto can help him in ways she can’t.

The manufactured drama inherent in the anime cold withstanding, this was a nice, relaxing afternoon at the Mikazuki home.  Haru performs a housecat specialty, being better at getting into trouble than getting out of it.  Kawase-san stops by and goes into full maternal mode, and he and Hiroto make a lot of noise in the kitchen, much to Haru’s irritation.  I was relieved that Kawase had other plans for those leeks than I originally feared (and I’m sure Subaru would have been, too).  Little by little, you can see Subaru’s resistance to all this breaking down – these incursions from outside of his bubble are starting to feel almost normal for him now.  Stressful to be sure, but not panic-inducing.

Of course that all may change when the ante is upped, and Subaru has to seriously interact with large groups of strangers – like at a book signing.  And he won’t even have Haru there as his emotional totem, just Kawase.  But one of the reasons we were shown the dream I think – and Subaru’s uncertainty over the timing of it – was that Doukyonin wa Hiza was reiterating the importance Subaru places on sharing his creative soul with others (more than he even realizes, almost surely).  And perhaps that’s the reason why all this is coming back to him now – for the first time since his parents stole a look at his first true novel, he’ll be face to face with those who’ve read his work.  That’s likely to prove a watershed moment for him in many ways, and I’m looking forward to seeing (next week, it looks like) if this new Subaru can hold up under that kind of pressure.



  1. “And he won’t even have Haru there as his emotional totem, just Kawase”

    Now, now. Imagine a writer signing his newest book about a cat, *with the cat that inspired it sitting on his lap*. If I were in Kawase, I’d seriously consider the option. That’s the kind of stuff that makes you go viral.

  2. I did think about that, actually. But the problem is Haru – she’d totally freak out with all those strangers around, many of them no doubt trying to pet her.

  3. D

    I am so glad you are reviewing this series! It has been a delightful addition to my anime viewing schedule. This series gets cats like you get cats and in some ways Japan gets cats. The kitty snoring, the way they show Haru relaxing around the house, Haru sitting on Subaru’s chest, isare such accurate depictions of cat behavior.

    One thing the series shows is that how deeply and profoundly lonely Subaru is, and how the addition of a pet, such as Haru, can enrich his life. In some ways this series reminds me of Natsume’s book of friends. It is gentle and heartwarming. It’s is about opening yourself up to the world and new experiences and challenges. Just as in the end Natsume found himself with friends, both yokai and human, Subaru will have new friends and relationships, both feline and human.

  4. You’re welcome. I definitely see the Natsume connection, but the series this most puts me in mind of is definitely Udon no Kuni. The themes regarding adults dealing with the loss of parents, the new addition who changes the protagonist’s life, and just the overall tone.

    There’s no question the mangaka knows cats and understands them the way only a person who’s lived around cats for a long time can. In that respect it’s unfailingly authentic.

  5. M

    Considering Nana’s brother is a fan of Subaru’s work, I’m sure the cat is going to be out of the bag this coming episode. I wonder how that will affect the book signing, since he seemed a little flustered at the though of someone he might know (but not too well) find out about his ability to write.

    I feel like the coming episode will either be 90% Subaru centric or the 1/2 focusing on Haru will be her dealing with Subaru’s absence. Either way, I don’t see her going to the book signing.

  6. If Kawse-san were smart though, he’d do what Simone said and play up the “Haru as inspiration” connection. Maybe a photo in a digital frame on the signing table.

  7. Next episode: Subaru has to take a video of Haru! Hijinks ensue.

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