LiA Fundraising & Patron Rewards Update

First of all, I want to thank everyone who’s stepped up to help support LiA in its hour of need.  Needless to say your generosity is deeply appreciated – I’m genuinely touched to know that this site makes a difference for anime fans, and that just motivates me that much more to try and keep it going if I can.  And truthfully, we’re almost there – the response this time around has been great.

As to where we stand on that front…  While we haven’t reached the goals I set out in my earlier post, thanks to your response we’ve certainly made a dent, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

  • We need about 5 more monthly patrons either through Patreon or Paypal in order to reach the goal of doubling LiA’s existing patron base.
  • Either in addition to that or alternatively, about another $200 in one-time contributions.

Some combination of the above would get LiA pretty close to the Manabi Line in terms of being self-supporting.

In order to help facilitate that and of course to thank those of you that already support the site, I’m going to start the patron appreciation program with a couple of different rewards (these will go out to all monthly supporters old and new, and anyone who made a one-time contribution this month):

  1. A patron-only AMA-type question-and-answer session.  I’ll be sending out a message to supporters shortly soliciting questions, and post the session to the website shortly thereafter.
  2. “From the Vault” nominations.  Supporters can nominate a classic series they want to see a Series Review/retrospective post on.  Once the nominations are in, I’ll create a poll and let the readers decide which series I should cover.  The one qualifier here is (for obvious time-management reasons) it has to be a series I’ve already watched.  If a patron nominates a show I haven’t seen I’ll give them the opportunity to nominate another.

I’m always looking for new rewards ideas, so please keep reaching out to me with those.  Stay tuned for further updates and again, my heartfelt thanks for supporting LiA with your contributions, your participation in the discussions, and by being a reader.  Thank you!





  1. I have set up a Patreon account now, but I’m just making the financial calculations for what I will be able to support you for for the next few months. So if I choose an amount, it will accumulate based on the total number of articles published through Patreon/the blog, and then paid in one go at the end/start of the month, or is it individual payments throughout the month?

  2. First off, I’m very grateful for whatever you feel comfortable with – don’t sweat the amount, every little bit helps.

    As to Patreon, here’s how it works: you pledge a certain amount per post, and (if you choose to) a monthly limit. Then, it will add up your by-the-post pledges as the posts go up, and when they hit your monthly limit it stops for the month. So let’s say you hit your limit on the 15th – Patreon would add in no more money until the first of the following month.

    As to the payments themselves Patreon does that once a month. It’s on or about the 1st but I couldn’t tell you the exact day.

  3. Alright, I sorted things out, and now my pledge is set. Sorry its not much for now, but I will be able to support with more if things go well this year later on.

  4. Super generous – thank you!

  5. N

    Two questions:

    1. Regarding ads: I’m trying to get in the habit of clicking them (what I see over Recent Posts), but once clicked they redirect me to a new page, still under the LiA banner, with more “sponsored links.” Do I need to click a second time for it to count? Or is the first click where the money is at? Or does it pay double if you click twice? What’s the best M.O. here? And also, do you still get paid per click if a bunch of clicks come from the same machine, or is it a one-user-one-click policy?

    2. Regarding Amazon: Does this include buying Kindle Books?

  6. Hmmm.

    1. AFAIK you can click on multiple ads, but it only counts for me once per ad per clicker. You do have to click on the link itself to kick in the kicker, I believe.
    2. Yes, I believe it does.

    And thanks for asking!

  7. Congratulations! I hope you can contribute more high quality anime articles.

  8. A

    From the Vault sounds like a great reward, can’t wait to see it!

  9. Well, I’ve gotten a ton of requests for that over the years.

  10. K

    Been here since you introduced me to Chihayafuru when I still checked in on Randomc from time to time, then eventually transferred to following your blog exclusively. Your writing has always been amazing, and consistently gives me new insights on anime you’ve introduced (Cross Game <3) or make me fall in love more on anime I already liked (Hunter x Hunter). Anyway, sorry I've been a lurker here (not that good with words), but just want to say that I check your site everyday and re-read your articles that I love every now and then so hope you never stop. I just joined your Patreon – hope it helps a bit. Thank you!

  11. It helps tremendously – thank you!

    The heady early days of Chihayafuru (Taichi Tuesdays!) make me nostalgic – my feelings for that series have changed a lot since then.

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