Second Impressions Digest – Zombieland Saga, Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet

Zombieland Saga – 02

I think some credit is due where it’s due here.  Zombieland Saga is nothing if not bodacious, and it has to be given what it’s trying to sell.  It’s a really silly idea that could easily collapse like an overbaked soufflé, but the commitment to the cause is what makes it work.  The fact that the show’s approach is so completely over the top makes it winning most of the time, at least so far.

Bottom line – I laughed several times in each of the first two episodes, and that’s the litmus test with any comedy.  Mamoru Miyano’s histrionics as the manager are a big part of this (it’s one of those “I can’t imagine anyone else playing this role” type of performances), but there’s other stuff that works too.  Saki’s “I bet my tomodatchi is dead!” line cracked me up – and that was made even better when it was reprised in the rap battle.  There was a bit of sincerity creeping in there at the end, which is dangerous with this sort of show, but so far the balance of self-parody and earnestness is stable.

That rap battle was certainly the payoff, and once more it worked whether it should have or not.  I especially liked the bit where Sakura lectured the old folks with lines like “If they’re going to blame you for everything anyway”, which is certainly on-point in today’s Japan.  And the shamisen being mixed in – very nice touch there.  None of this is exactly highbrow, but for what it is, Zomblieland Saga is surprisingly appealing.  I have no idea if that appeal is going to hold up over a full series or start to rot like a corpse in the sun, but so far, so good.


Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet – 02

For whatever reason, Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet just isn’t doing anything for me.  I had modest expectations for it – maybe very mild sleeper hopes – but it this point I’m just kind of bored.  I don’t hate the show or anything, but it seems very tired and formulaic.

Familiarity can be a double-edged sword with anime.  When well-executed it can be comforting, relaxing – but without inspiration at least, it’s mostly just dull.  This idea is obviously recycled – I mean, all modern romance in some way springs forth from Romeo and Juliet – but animanga has done the forbidden high school love story so many times now it’s unfair to expect anything new from another iteration of it.  But I would like some energy, some spark – and I’m just not getting it.  The gags aren’t funny, Romio and Persia don’t have much romantic chemistry and the reason for this whole feud has gotten no traction at all.

So, all that said, I’m pretty much out on Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet unless it really, really pulls a surprise out of its ass next week.  And given how few it’s managed so far, that seems like a longshot at best.  I might have a little more patience if it were airing on Tuesday or something but the Saturday mid-shelf is overloaded to the point of collapse anyway.



  1. A

    After the first episode of Zombieland I had fun but didn’t know if it had staying power. This episode was great. That rap battle and mic drop was amazing.
    Still, I always wait to the third episode before making my mind with shows I’m undecided. It’s the litmus test (the madoka test?) we have with my wife.

    PS: Isn’t that a shamisen?

  2. I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about…

  3. Y

    Same here… Zombieland had me literally LOL during the concert scenes in both episodes so far. Even though I have no expectations whatsoever, as long as it keeps doing that, I’ll keep watching!

  4. The Hippocratic Oath of comedy – first, be funny.

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