Natsume Yuujinchou Roku – OVA 2

To say that my backlog of OVAs and specials is immense would be an understatement.  But in moving overseas (again) in the midst of one of anime’s busiest seasons in a while, any hope of cleaning it up soon is a pipe dream.  In fact while theoretically Monday doesn’t have any new episodes to cover this spring, this is the first time all season I’ve had a day where I haven’t had regular episodic backlog combined with a laundry list of stuff to do.  While the temptation to crawl into bed at 7:30 was immense, I feel so guilty when I’m not doing something these days that I decided to dip into the pile and make a tiny little dent in it.

Likewise an understatement would be that there were a lot of directions I could go, having decided to take the plunge.  But while I have some stuff in that folder even older than this OVA, the mood for some Natsume Yuujinchou just struck me.  This is not a series that demands a lot of psyching up for me – losing myself in Natsume Yuujinchou is pretty much my default state.  I could, as Jerry Seinfeld said about reading the sports section, probably watch this show if my hair was on fire.

Once more I’m not sure if this special is anime-original or not, but I suspect it is.  Many of the Natsume OVAs have tended to be, and this one has the feel of a standalone work.  It’s not the emotional blunderbuss the first “Roku” OVA was, but it definitely treads similar ground – and it’s the ground on which this franchise seems most comfortable.  And, in thinking about it, to some extent it’s similar thematically to Gegege no Kitarou – though of course the two franchises could hardly be more different stylistically.  It never would have occurred to me that Midorikawa Yuki was influenced by Mizuki Shigeru, but in hindsight I think she actually was – in the same way all modern authors of youkai-themed manga surely are.

This story finds a young girl named Tamami in the midst of some strange ritual in the forest – which her friends dismiss with mirth and a bit of caution, suggesting that Tamami is a bit of an eccentric generally.  She has a very funny encounter with Nyanko-sensei, who’s here on other business and sniffed out her fried shrimp.  Having blown his cover by talking in front of the girl Nyanko-sensei tries to convince her this is all a dream, and it almost seems to be working until Natsume arrives on the scene.

The long and short of it is that Tamami is searching for a white owl – an owl she rescued after it was caught in some wire, in the process taking possession of the red stone it wore on a band around its foot.  Natsume is here searching for the master of the forest so that he can return his name, and he agrees to help Tamami – not realizing that the two of them are in fact looking for the same being.  That would be Hakuhi (Hayami Show), who takes the form of a white owl when he leaves the forest – which he hadn’t done in a very long time, leading to his unfortunate entanglement and rescue.

What’s the takeaway here?  That Natsume is so adamant that Hakuhi not erase Tamami’s memories – despite the obvious danger to herself and to the forest if he doesn’t, and the fact that she also knows there’s a talking cat roaming the countryside.  Natsume has definitely decided that it’s worth it – the connections he has to the youkai world, no matter how painful they can be, are his and his alone.  They’re a part of his experience, and should be valued for that reason – and he wants that same courtest extended to Tamami.  It can’t be of course – Natsume is special, and some laws cannot be broken.  It’s up to the viewer to decide who’s the lucky one here, Natsume or Tamami – but I know which one I’d pick.




  1. k

    More Natsume is always welcome, can’t wait for the movie. Also I’m hoping you’ll review Relife, one of my favorite SoL series, and of course the amazing Akatsuki no Yona.

    Lastly, I made/edited my very first video about one of my favorite shows, trying to capture its tone, feeling. Hope you can give it a watch also 🙂 as I made it out of love.

  2. C

    Hi ! Thank you for the review, I totally understand the feeling of getting lost in Natsume Yuujinchou. I really have to be prepared when watching it as it is really emotional for me. I was also wondering where did you see this OAV ? I’ve been searching for months now and can’t find it anywhere…

  3. You might have a bit of luck searching for a torrent of links at websites that list such things…

  4. C

    Oh, what are those websites ? I only know of common streaming websites…

  5. Gonna have to ask you to Google that one. They’re out there, nyaa a doubt about that.

  6. C

    Alright thanks xD

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