Miira no Kaikata – 10

Forgive the lateness of this post – it’s been an incredibly busy couple of weeks.  I’m actually typing this in the (Economy Plus – ULTRA!) cabin of a Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” on the way to Kansai International.  I’m not just doing it for KIX – stay tuned for further updates on that subject in the days to come.  As for Miira no Kaikata, it continues to be the easiest show to enjoy this season – in the sense that it gives the most while extracting the smallest toll in return.  The cast of characters entered around Sora has been steadily growing, and it gains another new member this week – a sort of compatriot for Mii-Fun in Anubis.  He arrives courtesy of another mystery box from Sora’s father, which Sora wisely approaches with extreme caution.

I was thinking that this might actually be the Anubis, the Egyptian God of embalming and the dead, but as it turns out it’s actually a tsukumogami (so, as it turns out, is Jizou at the Shrine daycare).  This is an interesting element of Shinto mythology – one wonders if a tsukumogami like this actually believes it’s the character it represents.  Anubis (he prefers “Aayan”) certainly speaks in the manner of a God, albeit a somewhat goofy one.

Sora’s circle of friends has grown into a full-on menagerie at this point, and Anubis certainly fits right in.  He has his own portfolio of quirks, such as his penchant for nicknames and love for chewing things (masticular massage).  He and Mii-kun hit it off famously right  away (though to be fair, Mii likes pretty much everybody), and Anubis’ teeth tell him that Mii-kun isn’t actually a mummy (I don’t think that counts as a revelation, per se).  Being that Anubis as a statue is unable to walk on his own (though he can turn his head for some reason) Sora sets him up with a dolly as his chariot and Pochi as his horse.

Things get agreeably antic when the rest of the gang stops by.  Tazuki’s whole reverie about Sora’s immunity to embarrassment is adorable – Soraino really is a sweetheart, but that much was already obvious.  But Sora show’s he’s not actually immune when he gets hiccups – which is interesting in itself.  Are hiccups considered a particularly embarrassing affliction in Japan?  If so I hadn’t hear that – nor had I heard the old saw that if you hiccup a hundred times, you’ll die.

Unfortunately when the chibis hear this they aren’t aware that it’s just a legend, and Mii-kun (unsurprisingly) panics especially hard.  I’ve always found Tazuki’s trick (drinking water out of the wrong side of the glass) to be the most effective, but Soraino is too embarrassed to do that in front of the others.  Mii takes matters into his own hands, deciding to scare the hiccups out of Sora – which proves quite effective, though perhaps more so than he intended.  Tazuki still doesn’t realise his wish to see what lies at the center of a Mii-kun, but there does seem to be some sort of bright light that causes him (and only him) to black out for a moment.

There are a couple of other possibly noteworthy developments here, starting with the reveal that Pochi is actually 50 years old – and not only that, will live to be “hundreds” of years old.  I guess I makes sense that this household’s dog wouldn’t be normal, since nothing else there is.  I’m also not convinced that the sand Mii-kun loves to dig in is simple sand – it came from Sora’s dad after all, and he’s the source of most of the abnormal stuff in this house…



  1. a

    Glad to hear, that whatever keeps you from this site seems to be something positive!
    With that said, there is something with this series, that rubs me the wrong way. I enjoy it very much and it’s one of the three which I watch religiously this season, but it kinda frustrates me, that there are some hints of dark currents in the background, which never come to the front. For example, Tazuki’s scar and the (failed?) try to save the baby-dragon or the fact, that Sora and Tazuki had some fierce fights with whatever Sora’s Dad sends his son, whenever the mood strikes him. But these things are never expanded upon or properly explained. And so I thought, perhaps this week we get a glimpse of what else is going on besides the generic cuteness and boom, nope, goofy god is here chewing you out. (Not that he isn’t extremely entertaining, a grandfatherly guardian for the misfits) Don’t get me wrong, I like the cute situations and beings, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  2. Still 2 eps for that to happen, but I’m kinda fine if it doesn’t.

  3. M

    Okay, that voice actor that plays Anubis is now my second favourite ever, behind that deep voiced old guy (forgot his name, most remembered for playing gargoyle and vacuum cleaner… and the narrator in Hayate) that everyone regards as the Pele of anime voices.

  4. Wakamoto Norio? I don’t think that was him here, but I could be wrong.

  5. M

    I meant to say that whoever plays Anubis here is now my second fave behind that Wakamoto chap.

  6. Gotcha.

    I went through a couple different guesses during the episode, but I’m still not quite sure who it was.

  7. M
  8. Thank you! That actually wasn’t one of the ones I guessed.

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