Osomatsu-san 2 – 11

One of the things I’ve come to realize over three cours of Osomatsu-san is that generally speaking, I find the supporting players funnier than the Matsuno brothers themselves.  That isn’t always true, and it seems relevant that those characters don’t have to carry the show for episodes at at a time – if they did, the comic appeal might start to wear thin after a while.  But as a rule, the best chapters often seem to focus on the non-sextuplet characters to some extent.

This was an interesting change-up, though – a full episode focused on Chibita.  That’s a rarity on multiple levels to begin with, but add in that this episode wasn’t all that funny, and that because it wasn’t really trying to be, and you have a bit of a unicorn.  Things start out innocently enough. with Chibita cutting off the brothers because of their huge tab, only to have them talk themselves back into his favor with flattery (the Michelin Star thing was a winner).  Then, when Chibita sees three of them coming out of each of a pachinko parlor and a racetrack, he flips out.

Where things really go off the hook, though, is when Jyuushimatsu accidentally pulls out Chibita’s last hair trying to pull him off Choromatsu’s head.  To say things go dark after that would be a bit of an understatement.  I’m not sure whether all this really works as entertainment, but it was certainly different.  Oh, and Iyami has a girlfriend – that was kind of an unexpected twist.



  1. D

    And his girlfriend was Karamatsu’s bride/flower , it seems she lived longer than Chibita’s

  2. e

    Beware of the nice (?) ones… It had started all heartwarming too :,) . Then Jyushi killed the last kami and Chibs lost his religion.
    Talking about horror tropes I was expecting Ichi (the animal instinct one), Totty (the youngest one) or Jyushimatsu (the loony one! and he had bat plot armour!) to be the last Matsu standing. Mai buroza Karamatsu was 100% an early a goner because he was (comparatively) too kind to live and Choro because of his straight man factor :°D…
    That mustard ending is the stuff bad smut is made of btw :°) how am I supposed to enjoy my wieners now ;3;

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