Osomatsu-san 2 – 05

Hot on the heels of Hoozuki no Reitetsu weighing in with its best episode of the season, one which fully recalls the show at its best, Osomatsu-san follows suit with a similar home run.  It’s great to see great anime comedy flexing its muscles, and this season is lucky to have both of these powerhouse franchises on the schedule.

This week’s Osomatsu almost seems to have been a response to last week’s effort, a rare wire-to-wire episode that was plot-driven and relatively serious.  The team have gone completely in the opposite direction this time – as if they were indulging their Cleese-Chapman side after letting Palin-Jones have their day last week.  An episode like that doesn’t lend itself to traditional discussion, so let’s review it in the same staccato manner in which it was presented.

  • The pre-open?  A Touch spoof, no less – or at least Adachi.  I was kind of surprised they didn’t let Miyu-miyu handle the male lead role for that reason.  And yes, cicadas in Japan are unbelievably fucking loud.
  • Next up, Jyuushimatsu with his own unique, weather-creating take on morning callisthenics in the park.  What really sold this was his random verbal commentary.
  • That whole “Ultimate VR” thing was more profoundly disturbing than anything else.
  • “Exiled” – or “Poor Totty”.  There’s no greater crime in the eyes of the Osomatsu brothers than being socially well-adjusted, and Todomatsu almost seems to get there at times.  It makes his later struggles at the beach seem a little out of character.
  • Hanabitaikai – that singular Japanese summer pastime.  Again, this is a purely silly gag sketch elevated to brilliance by the seiyuu.  The entire cast of Osomatsu-san is great, but the guys in the supporting roles are truly spectacular.  And what really makes it so appealing is how obvious it is that these guys are having huge fun recording this show.
  • Summer Kamen” – no doubt, this is the most high-concept and brilliant sketch in the episode.  The absurd English dialogue is a huge part of why this works.
  • Totoko is one angry, scary bishoujo.
  • Speaking of that beach scene, it’s kind of tragic in its way.  There’s are some great comic moments here – like what happens when Ichimatsu declares that he’s going to try his hand at beach nanpa.  Naturally enough it is Totty who comes up with the ultimate strategy, but the really sad part here is that it actually works – he’s unlocked the keys to the kingdom – but the boys are too timid to actually walk through the door.

Finally, we have to say a few words about that ED, “Iyami Ondo“, which is a masterpiece.  In the first place it’s a quite faithful updating of the 1980’s version’s “Osomatsu Ondo” ED, and I love it when this whacked-out version pays tribute to its roots.  But it’s also a showcase for Iyami, which is always pure win – especially because I think Suzumura Kenichi may be my very favorite amongst this great cast.  Osomatsu-san has delivered quite a few time capsule moments, and this ED is definitely one of them.

ED2: “Iyami Ondo”



  1. Summer Kamen was definitely my highlight of the episode too. So delightfully nonsense.


  2. That and the ED both – pure Oso-genius.

  3. I didn’t appreciate the ED as much as I should have sadly as I didn’t know the old one :/.

  4. Well, I did provide a helpful link to the old one! ;-P But hey, 90 seconds of Iyami should be enough on its own to win you over.

  5. e

    – Dat mind-over-matter extreme VR
    – Summer kamen Karamatsu had a mighty codpiece in that speedo. And they took care to animate the shifting light reflecting off it the whole time :°D #priorities
    – Loved the Adachi parody and the fireworks :°D
    – The ShhhheeeeeED is just a delight 😀 I also like how they switched there between a more traditonal linework background and motifs (the clouds/smoke and… either Victorian roses or peonies) and stylized quirky (the smaller flowers are resembling a lot of floral print from kimono ad haoris of the ’60s ) and ‘Osomatsu-normal’ oddities: Iyami surrounded by entirely carnivorous and/or rottingly stenchy plants :°D

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