Just Because – 03

Just Because has turned out to be a quite interesting show on-screen, which is a good thing.  Not so good is that it’s proved rather interesting off-screen as well, not necessarily for the right reasons.  Young studio Pine Jam is ambitious – certainly laudable – but the production schedule for Just Because is apparently a disaster already, a state of affairs for which first-time director Kobayashi Atsushi is blaming the studio and pretty much everyone else is blaming Atsushi.  Only three episodes in the over on-screen evidence of this is not egregious, but with 9 eps to go you have to fear for the worst.  And given how few series like this are produced these days and how encouraging it is to see a newer studio take a crack at it, that’s a real shame.

Our friends at the excellent Sakurabooru note Kobayashi-sensei’s ties to Production I.G., and suggest that he’s trying to do something broadly along the lines of Kyoto Animation with Just Because.  There may be truth in that, but to be honest the studio I see when I watch this show is P.A. Works.  Truthfully, I could hardly imagine a series more archetypically PAW  – or at least the PAW of 5 or 10 years ago – than Just Because.  It isn’t so much in the look (though there is some of that, too) but in the character animation and narrative style.  This is the sort of meandering, multi-character teen dramatic slice-of-life that was once that studio’s stock and trade, to the point where they almost seemed to have a patent on it.  I miss that P.A. Works – which is perhaps one reason behind my fondness for Just Because.

The title of this episode was “Andante” which, for those of you not familiar with classical music terminology, means a “walking pace” – measured, steady, no rush to get where you’re going.  That’s very much the bailiwick of Just Because, which while not exciting has an appealing ease to its gait.  It hasn’t reached and grabbed me by the throat with emotional engagement, but I do find myself getting caught up in its leisurely narrative.  It’s quite lifelike, for lack of a better term – somewhere halfway between a drama and a true slice of life, with a bit of romcom thrown in for flavor.

I do have worries, though, chief among them Komiya Ema.  I already find her annoying to the point of intolerable – every time she opens here mouth I just want her offscreen as quickly as possible.  That’s fine in the sense that she’s supposed to be annoying – Eita certainly finds her such – but Komiya has to be an endearing character in some sense if she’s going to become part of the drama.  That holds especially true if she’s going to become romantically linked to one of the boys (with Eita being by far the most unlikely candidate).

Much better is Inui Yoriko (Sakuraba Arisa), Hatsuki’s best friend who we’ve briefly met in each of the first two episodes.  I’m not sure where she fits into the equation apart from being Hatsuki’s best friend, but I like her – she’s expressive, funny, and obviously cares deeply for Hatsuki and her family.  She seems to have told Hatsuki something of consequence off-camera that we haven’t been clued in on yet, and she continues to fruitlessly try and get Hatsuki to acknowledge Haruto’s feelings for her.  I truly don’t believe Hatsuki is so clueless that she’s unaware of his intentions (I don’t know that anyone could be)  – I think she just feels overwhelmed with life and responsibilities, and doesn’t want to try and process what Haruto’s feelings could mean if she did acknowledge them.

So we basically know where Eita (likes Natsume), Natsume (likes Haruto), and Haruto (likes Hatsuki) stand.  We don’t know where Komiya and Yoriko do – indeed, whether they’re to have any standing in this geometry at all – but I suspect they’ll figure into it before it’s all said and done.  I do think we’ll have more overt romantic drama before things shake out, which is fine with me as long as Just Because doesn’t trade too heavily in cliche, but I find myself hoping the series doesn’t lose focus on the challenges for graduating high schoolers in letting go of innocent pastimes and confronting cold reality.  That remains the most distinctive part of the fabric of Just Because for me.



  1. R

    Somehow watching the characters react cracked me up, and I didn’t expect this from this show…

  2. s

    I respect what pine jam is trying to do with just because but they just dont have the time management prowess or the quantity such as the likes of kyo ani. This was very premature of them to come running out the gate like this on an anime production schedule that cant handle this level of stress. I dont want to discourage this kind of ambition but plan ahead, you know. Whoever is to blame, i just hope that they learn from this

  3. D

    This show really does feel like vintage PA works, and it was felt particularly strongly this episode. Hope it keeps delivering the goods, because that’s one itch that doesn’t get scratched very often.

    All drama aside, I really liked how much care was put into the backgrounds, especially the apartments. They have so much detail, clutter and detail put into them you can really feel a unique sense of place in each one, similar to what one might feel when going into a someone’s house for the first time. Really well done.

  4. k

    Lol I just noticed, around 4:09-4:13, the scene where Souma is reading a magazine, the animators actually put in an easter egg, a poster of one of my favorite Netflix shows Sense8 😀 (which was recently cancelled due to being expensive but brought by its fanbase in less than two months after its cancellation). Even though it’s a bit unrelated, I highly recommend it :D, do you know it Enzo?

  5. I have heard of it, but never seen it. Kinda cool that Pine Jam put that in there.

  6. S

    Hi, i just found this website and its pretty useful. Texts and pictures are really interesting.
    Especially from this anime that I love.
    Im looking for a picture, I would like to have the price picture, the one where Eita throws the ball, where do you think can I get it ?
    Thank you
    From France

  7. You mean like, a print? Gosh, I have no idea if anything like that was ever released for Just Because.

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