Twitter and Facebook and Polls, Oh My…

Well, as you can see I’ve finally lumbered into the 21st Century. Blogger is a stubborn animal, but you can do stuff like embed polls in posts if you use a few html trickerations… Even more exciting, I’ve actually linked the blog to Twitter now (Facebook too). Yes, I finally broke down and joined the whole tweety thing… Which undoubtedly means everyone else will have moved on by next week.

In the meanwhile, I would certainly appreciate if you follow me, and re-tweet me, and like me and do all the other social media stuff that I sort of understand. In any case, it’s all about trying to get some traffic for LiA – thanks to everyone who stops by. Please don’t hesitate to share your comments about the blog and what you’d like to see more (or less) of.

Guardian Enzo


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