Steins;Gate 0 – 14

Steins;Gate 0 returns after an inter-seasonal break.  And as with Boku no Hero Academia, I feel as if it was a show that needed one, albeit for very different reasons.  There, it was a matter of just coming off an incredibly intense arc and conclusion and needing a little recharge.  Here, we have a series that was really stumbling in my opinion – after a very solid start, Steins;Gate 0 seemed to be rather adrift.  A hiatus week isn’t going to do anything to change that in itself of course, but it does help one approach the next episode in more of an open frame of mind.

Happily, we did indeed get a fresh start here.  If not a masterpiece of an episode, this was at least a recovery – and it’s no coincidence that it came with the swapping out of Kagari (mostly) for the “new” cast.  Maho, Amadeus and Leskinen have been missed – there’s something quite tired about the returning characters without their presence (some of them comes from how mopey Okabe has become, justified though it may be).  When Okarin narrated that Kagari had been missing for several months, my first thought was that it couldn’t have come a moment sooner.

Maho was always destined to return to prominence in “0”, seems to me, and that very much seems to be the case.  Suzuha has pretty much convinced Daru that they can no longer wait for Rintarou to return to the fold and drop his resistance to any time travel device – but Daru is pretty clear that he can’t get all the way there with the phone microwave on his own.  Maho represents the living link to the person that made it all possible the first time – and even if she is Salieri, no one knew (movie) Mozart’s genius in the professional sense better than (movie) Salieri.

It’s really going to sting when Leskinen’s treachery (maybe he’s even “the professor” that Suzu refers to as torturing her comrades) inevitably comes out, because he’s a lot of fun as a character.  In fact he injects some of the same goofy exuberance that Kyouma Houoin did in the original series.  He keeps turning up like a bad penny and being suspicious, though – like at the hospital, arguing with the administrator about private rooms.  He’s a good actor, and maybe his joviality and Japanophile routine isn’t all an act – but he’s hiding who he really is and what he really wants for sure.

Suzuha, meanwhile, is the one who finally finds Kagari – when she realizes someone is staking out her apartment and lays a trap.  That person turns out to be Kagari, but Suzu is no doubt right that this Celty is different from the one who attacked Team Okabe the first time.  The “voice of God” is almost certainly her brainwasher, whether that be Leskinen or not, but she seems to be fully under their sway.  This just convinces Suzuha – and Daru – that much more urgently that Maho needs to be brought on board.  I’m sincerely glad she finally relented, and the story should take another uptick with her return to Japan – she’s been missed.



  1. R

    Does that mean that the first Celty: Suzu’s mom, has also had been brainwashed and she indeed doesn’t act or remember what she’s done under control?, anyway, poor Suzu, almost everyone around her has suffer from that, not just her valkirye team but also her mom and Kagari, everyone around her suffer a tragedy or another, and still she mess around with the source: time machines, I feel so bad for her.
    Is Leskinen (a surname that sounds more russian than american to me) also doing something to Fuyumi? maybe, can he take control of her aparently Reading Steiner?, if Suzu’s right and he’s the bad guy, that sounds pretty terrible and dangerous for all timelines.

  2. Alexis Leskinen… I’ve just assumed he was Russian all along.

  3. R

    Yeah, but, sometimes people with such surnames are not longer related with the origin country of the surname (so redudant, sorry); also, the show seems to indicate that maybe the russian and evil one is the female scientist with glasses whose name I already forgot (more in that new OP), something like she belongs to another faction (maybe the russian one) that Leskinen doesn’t (maybe he’s the american one despite everything, and maybe at the end he won’t be the bad guy as it has been pointed until now), don’t know if they play dumb with one another and already knew each others identity… or maybe it’s just what it seems and we won’t have another surprise like Mr. Brown’s real identity back in the first series.

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