Osomatsu-san 2 – 06

In the running for “least surprising news ever” (perhaps in contention with Osomatsu-san’s sequel announcement) was today’s report that Osomatsu-san 2 would be continuing for (at least) 2 cours.  The multi-cour announcement for Season 1 came in the middle of the first cour, too., and it almost seemed as if it had been an open question until it became clear that Pierrot had a megahit on their hands.  There was no reason to hesitate this time, of course, so waiting to make the announcement is slightly odd, but it’s nice to know we’ll have Osomatsu with us for a good while at least.

I don’t doubt Season 2 will sell less than the first season did, but this leaves an awful lot of room for a soft landing.  And judging by the fact that an entire wall of the Kinokuniya in San Francisco was dedicated to Osomatsu-san merchandise, the mania for this series is still plenty strong.  Watching episodes like this one – especially the A-part – always makes me scratch my head at the sheer unlikelihood of that, but anime fans can be pretty unpredictable sometimes.

More Iyami is always a good thing, but damn – that chapter was Osomatsu-san at its darkest.  It was really disgusting, to begin with, and it would be hard to pick out a more pessimistic take on human nature.  The genius of this, of course, was the way the brothers were hoist on their own petard (pretty much literally) – though that lesson was certainly lost on them.  That, and the Iyami as Miyazaki gag – that was pure gold.  Anime seems pretty obsessed with the master this season.  And the dog (did Iyami always have a dog?) doing his “Sheeh!” pose of course…

As for the B-part, we don’t see a whole lot of Hatabou material so that made for a nice change of pace.  As with the Iyami chapter, there was just a tease that we might get something earnest and straightforward here – and as rare as that would be, Osomatsu-san has shrewdly given us that just often enough to make us wonder in cases like this.  I think my favorite part of this bit was when Dayon casually dropped the “An unidentified sort of loneliness, Dayon” as if it were the most natural thing in the world…



  1. e

    – I love the Iyamiyazaki plus that style of beard and ‘stache is rather sexy on him :°D. Also the character he’s drawing seems to be a nod to either Akage No Anne or Heidi Of The Alps’ Clara ( I’d say the latter because hair and hat + that specific character has been referenced in a few other series in recent years. One memorable little gag was in Kuragehime and then there was that Eu7 AO special – ) . Wonder if there is an additional Easter egg nested in that from Sensei’s youth too.
    – The A part was pretty on-point satire honestly. Perfect cleaning aim btw. The result of honed skills via frequent practice no doubt…
    – The B part… even my nasty girl Totoko was mostly nice I’m so proud :,) . Also there must be a word in the German language encapsulating Dayon’s poignant sentence.

  2. For a show that so thrives on references, this might be the first time after the deleted S1 premiere that they reference DragonBall Z. The bit where they grab Iyami is basically the Raditz death scene, but if Piccolo was an antisocial NEET with no self awareness (which he obviously isn’t – let no one say that he is not constantly in training!). And the final nuclear boomerang was great (sorry, innocents who got caught in the blast of karmic justice). Could have done without seeing Iyami poop in a trash bag frankly though.

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