T minus 3 to moving day, so not a lot of time. Some quick thoughts on Aquarion this week:
- The 12,000 years in the past sequences are OK as a change of pace, which sort of justifies the visual style. But it’s really too ugly to carry half an episode.
- We’ve seen most of the main cast’s avatars from that timeline, but not Toshi. Are he and Hana the two children being experimented on, maybe?
- “Old Goddess vs. new God” seems to sum up the conflict in that timeline pretty well. One thing that’s clear is that there are human sacrifices in both realities (“becoming a Goddess” and becoming an Element).
- Three months pass in our world while the kids are in mythic space, which has some interesting practical implications.
- Emperor Palpatoshi is now the vice-president of the student council (obvious who the president is). And the vice-principal is now a powerless drudge. Seems as if the Eggman has pretty much taken firm control of everything.
- Sun’s “tuning mana” has a distinct air of Human Instrumentality Project to it…
I’m not ready to write off Momohime yet, and offscreen at that. But if it did happen, Sun and/or Toshi likely had a role in it, and that would certainly be a game-changing development on the character side.

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