Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 08

I’m cognizant of the fact that I use the word “weird” a lot when talking about Aquarion MoE. But you know, when the shoe fits… That said, things got seriously weird this week. I’m along for the ride at this point but starting to suspect we may never fully understand what’s happened here. Or that I simply lack enough of a grounding in otaku-level mecha (or Aquarion specifically) to make sense of it. But sci-fi anime I can’t fully make sense of have been one of the reasons I love anime since my very earliest days as a fan, so it’s all good.

What is clear is that the shit is hitting the fan generally. Video of the kids’ last encounter with a mythical beast has leaked onto the internet, which means the world’s self-correcting mechanism is weakening. Or, as Munakata-sensei explains it (right before blaming Hana for everything), the other universe is winning the tug of war. Things are correcting, but towards that reality and not this one. Which of course has “bad end” written all over it. Hana is bummed out enough – mostly over having to kill but being blamed doesn’t help – to quit the team.

Meanwhile invitations to a meeting of the “Egg Council” are being handed out. This winds up being a beach clean-up event, and the organizers the ones who plucked Sun away from the control of another council – the “World Awakening Council”. Sun reveals that he was born from an egg, but hopes one day to be born from his true mother’s womb. Momohime and Sakko attend the meeting – Momohime incessantly trying to act as wingwoman to Sakko and Sun’s budding relationship, much to Sakko’s dismay. Hana and Kamisama are there too, but watching surreptitiously from behind a rock.

The other weird happening here is the “ceremony” taking place at the school. Toshi is in attendance, and gets his “wings” ripped off (we’ve already seen this in CGI land, but do so again). The historical event seems pretty clear-cut (that’s Momohime getting de-winged), but why this was happening in the present day – and to Toshi – less so. Rimiya rushes in to offer aid but another mythical beast arrives, and Toshi sends him off to fight (in Odawara this time) and there’s no decision to be made over which trio suits up.

Was it a coincidence that Sun’s Egg Council event was taking place in Odawara, right where the incursion happens? That seems very unlikely to say the least. Once more the invader does some talking, and once more manages to plant their stake despite a spirited effort from a Sakko-led Aquarion. This is the third stake though, which means the triangle is complete and the end of the universe presumably a whole lot closer. Aquarion popping through the rift – and presumably into the other universe – seems like a game-changing event any way you slice it.


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