Second Impressions – Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto

The first ep of Zom 100 was a banger, no question about it.  Probably the buzziest premiere of the season, and with good reason.  It unleashed a fusillade of Gainax-like craziness on a generation of viewers mostly unused to it.  I loved it myself.  For all that, there were reasons why I was a little skeptical of whether the magic would hold.  Producer Kojima Hiroaki is kind of legendary for insanely ambitious productions, though also for somehow pulling them off (sometimes).  The studio, BUG FILMS, has basically no track record.  And the premiere was obviously something very different than what the body of the series would be.

Fast-forwarding to now, I would put this episode in the “pretty good” camp.  Not the revelatory experience the premiere was, but no collapse either.  If this ep looked different than the premiere there’s a very good reason for that – it was 100% outsourced.  And to Shaft, at that.  Not only that but Shaft is now listed for “production cooperation”, which makes them effectively a co-lead studio for the rest of the series.  That’s a Kojima trademark too, tons of outsourced episodes.  And especially with what one assumes is a smaller studio, I think it’s safe to say we’re going to see a lot more of it.

Gainax to Shaft is certainly a major downgrade in my book.  One can guess that they’re going to restrain their more extreme influences in a co-production where they’re the junior partner, and this was not a hard-core Shinbou juddering nightmare.  I’m going to keep my admitted anti-Shaft bias in check as best I can and try to judge the material on its own merits, but even going in cold it was plain that this week was missing much of the magic that made the premiere such a trip.  To be fair it didn’t have as much to do in the first place, so one could expect a bit less visual flair.  But we certainly got it.

As to the staying power of the story itself, well…  I kind of expected this to struggle to hold up to closer scrutiny, and it kinda does.  Akira is a nice enough bloke but his attitude here is pretty preposterous, if we’re honest.  But it’s a comedy, and the point is that he’s a guy who was so dead inside that the idea of actual death holds little fear for him.  The first thing he does the morning after is go on a beer run – after a brief drainpipe-to-balcony chat with his ill-fated neighbors the Kousakas.  At least he offered to pick up some stuff for them too, not that they’ll be needing it now.

At the konbini he meets another fellow survivor, a young woman named Mikazuki Shizuka (Kusunoki Tomori).  She’s the complete opposite of Tendou in every way.  Shizuka is shopping for essentials (and pointedly notes that beer is not an essential), and is scientifically and systematically working on a survival scheme.  The business with the runaway truck was pretty preposterous, but Shizuka makes an interesting bookend for Akira.  I also enjoyed that in one of the zombie movies she watches for research Miki Shinichirou plays the guy who gets eaten at the end

It’s a given that Shizuka and Akira will team up soon, and they’ll have company by the looks of the OP and ED.  I like the idea that Akira is showing at least a hint of serious thought – one of his bucket list items is to spend time with his parents (mind you they may be toast already, but getting out of the city seems like a good idea in any case).  That offers some potential for desperately-needed thematic expansion.  Akira’s list is “things to do before turning into a zombie” while Shizuka’s is “things to do to avoid turning into one”, so it’s pretty clear what the game is here – each of them learning to live a little more like the other and meeting somewhere in the middle.  I still see potential with Zom 100, but I’m tempering my expectations – if we get anything like the exhilarating triumph of the premiere, that will be a pleasant surprise.



  1. A

    I heard that Shaft starts working from Ep3 (not sure if that’s correct or not) so this episode wasn’t done by them.

    It’s a little too early to tell what kind of story this will be. This definitely feels like a slower episode than the previous one, and I’m assuming the same will go for the next two episodes to possibly establish the main four characters.

    It still seems like a fun show, I’m still looking forward to watch the rest of it.

  2. N

    After the first episode, I was expecting things to cool down. Akira let loose a lot of pent-up energy in that first episode and it makes sense that he doesn’t fear death that much after being so close to the doorstep to it for the past three years.

    It also gives us a look at the state of the world at this time. Nope, it wasn’t a dream and the zombie apocalypse really happened. Lots of people are dead and the undead are still roaming around. That said, things could be worse. There’s still electricity, there’s still running water and the communications infrastructure seems intact. However, for everything else, you’ll have to brave the zombie-infested streets. That’s what gets Akira moving, but not for any essentials. He just wants to get some beer. He comes across some survivors on the way down, his first interaction with other living humans since the apocalypse. But, yep, it’s a fleeting moment.

    At the convenience store he meets Mikazuki Shizuka, who is no doubt No. 33 on his bucket list. Indeed, she’s the opposite and gets essential items for survival. As it’s a zombie survival series and not an isekai, they manage to dodge the rogue truck that crashes into the store. He doesn’t get her number… Better luck next time. He ditches his broken bicycle for a better set of wheels before ending up on a Laurie-Richardson motorcycle. He climbs up to meet the Kousakas again, but they didn’t make it. Now, it’s time for him to work on the bucket list. The encounter at the convenience store gets him to think just a bit more seriously about living.

    Then we get to see Shizuka’s POV. She’s done everything she can for survival, including keeping fit, eating healthy and taking supplements. She studies the zombies and how she might be able deal with them. She has her own list too and it’s focused on survival. However, her encounter with Akira made an impression too she gave a thought of perhaps living a little (When she skipped on the mochi).

    Right, the OP and the ED already show that they’re going to be others and they all go on a road trip. Heck, it looks like Akira will be meeting his “besto friendo” in the next episode already. Speaking of Studio Shaft I also watched “Eiyuu Kyoushitsu” on the same day and one of the characters suddenly did a Shaft head tilt. I suppose we might know that the change has been made once Akira and the others now have really flexible necks.

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