Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi – 07

As a former Starbucks manager, I can tell you I hated all those damn pumpkin drinks.  Not just because the sheeple went nuts for them and made our lives hell (though that would have been enough).  I also couldn’t stand the taste of any of them.  Sickly sweet, kind of gamy, just the worst flavor complement to coffee.  But in the fall they drove ridiculous amounts of business, so who am I to judge?  Not that that’s ever stopped me before…

Nonetheless, “Starbecks” seasonal pumpkin can serve as a cuteness vehicle for Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi because, let’s be honest, this show can kawaii anything it touches (even a Pumpkin Black Pepper Frappuccino – yuck).  That whole “one billion Yen” cliffhanger turned out to be a complete misdirect (a lottery prize starting a conversation).  Instead talk turns quickly to the aforementioned frapp, which Fuyutsuki says she’d buy (along with all the other Starbecks seasons drinks) if she won it.  But the lines at the office-adjacent location are always long and she’s never had the chance to try one.

Since both Futsuyuki and Himuro wind up buying a round for the office (he needs no dry ice, LOL) there’s extra left over for Otonashi and Katori-san, and even one for Buddha-san too.  That still leaves an extra, which winds up being offered up to the president (Fuji Takako), who just happens to be descended from a Nurarihyon (what a an interesting company this is). As such she loves night parades – or parties, in the human lexicon – and she’s throwing a Halloween bash for the company.  Complete with a costume contest with a ¥100000 first prize.

The rest of the ep is basically another kawaii attack, this time around the concept of Halloween costumes.  Artist Katori decides to make an original for himself and Otonashi (they’re in a different department), while the gang get together at Starbecks to decide their own strategy.  That winds up being a jack-o-lantern getup, though I think the vampire theme they settled on after the former was sold out everywhere is a better direction.  Himuro looks a veritable ikemen in his getup, while Fuyutsuki’s stage blood is just the accent to put her costume (and Himuro) over the top.

Compared to Christmas (which does indeed start right after Halloween in Japan, just like in the States), Halloween is barely a blip on the romance calendar here.  Still, Fuyutsuki sticking behind after the party so she and Himuro can leave together in-costume was certainly an act of courtship if ever I’ve seen one.  Koori Zokusei is just blazing through the calendar, and Christmas is already on the docket for next week.  It’s blazing through the pre-lationship phase too, indicative of a show that knows it’s a one and done (though it may be that way in the manga too, for all I know).



  1. N

    I didn’t expect a Halloween episode to drop on Valentine’s Day, but I suppose that romance is always in the air when it comes to Fuyutsuki and Himuro. My sister really enjoys the pumpkin spice when fall rolls around and the other seasonal drinks later on in the year. For me, I consume sparingly. Considering the amount of calories and sugar in those drinks, just once as season is enough. If I had 1 billion yen, maybe I’ll get a Moccamaster.

    I also didn’t expect the holiday drinks to be used as a plot point, but it worked well to set up the rest of the episode. Yep, both Futyusuki and Himuro doubled-up on the drinks, but it made a good excuse to get everybody together, plus a surprise new character in the company President (I had to look up what a nurarihyon was) . She set up a company Halloween costume party with a nice reward for winning.

    Everybody decides to take on the challenge. Katori and Otonashi go as mummies using old paper is a better idea than what Katori was planning at first (An hour to put on a costume? Is it a Hollywood prop?). The rest go as vampires after the jack-o-lantern costumes were sold out (I think it was fate, though). As for Buddha-san, I don’t think that’s a costume at all and it’s his normal outfit. I like how Fuyutsuki and Himuro flustered each other with their costumes. Forget the candy, there’s enough sweetness there (Whether it’s Halloween or Valentine’s). That was a fun episode and it looks like Christmas is next.

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