It’s interesting that a series like Hoozuki no Reitetsu would implement a format change midway through its third (and presumably final – as with most sequels that wait too long, there’s a commercial price to be paid for not seizing the moment) season. But there’s no doubt it has. In addition to a discernible move away from the “main cast” (we haven’t seen Enma-sama, Karauri and Nasubi or the Zashiki Warashi twins in major roles for weeks) we’re getting full-episode storylines now, when we never got them before. It’s not the director change – that happened after the first season.
I would also say that we seem to be seeing a rather pronounced animal theme of late. This time around it’s foxes again – and surprisingly enough, that includes Miki-nyan. She’s the lesser-explored of the idol pairing – Peach Maki gets most of the screen time (and the EDs) – but a major player this week. And it turns out, she’s actually a yakan – and so are her three older brothers, all of whom work at the fox cafe. Turns out Miki isn’t too good at shapeshifting – her idol form is the only one she’s mastered – but she’s a lot smarter than her brothers, who are very good at transforming.
I don’t blame Miki for being sick of that persona, but when Hoozuki asks a favor I can see where it’s hard to say no. And the idea of Hoouzki teaching a room full of preschoolers is pretty terrifying in and of itself – even without the Nikeichu puppet (as with the brothers, this was my first time learning about that particular youkai). It’s better this way – so much so that Miki and Brothers score a kids’ show deal at JHK, puppet and all.
The Nikeichu theme continues in the B-part, as Hoozuki is introducing a new group on minions to the realm where the singularly unpleasant bugs are omnipresent. Seriously, I don’t know what it is about Shinto that it’s given rise to so many bizarre and disgusting legends, but so be it – in this realm of Hell, a metal loincloth (or full-body metal hazmat suit) is necessary to protect one from the Nikeichu, who are nothing if not single-minded – they’re looking for exactly one thing, and they know it when they see it. And unfortunately for Shiro, when he shows up they can definitely see it.
Poor Shiro – but as Rurio says, if anything you kind of wonder why something like this didn’t happen sooner with as much dumb stuff as Shiro does. I loved the “Alien” reference here (for such a decidedly Japanese series, Hoozuki has a surprising number of American pop culture gags) but I sure wouldn’t wish this fate on anybody. Fortunately Hoouzki and Rurio think and act quickly – Hoouzki pulling the bug out of its hidey-hole, and Rurio calling an ambulance (Nasubi’s dad – at least someone from the family made an appearance). Did Hoozuki know exactly what he was doing when he put “Mike and Brothers” on the TV in the recovery room? That’s the thing – with him, it’s hard to tell one way or the other…
June 3, 2018 at 2:42 pm– when even a Hell paparazzo feels so sorry for your idol persona caged life he grows a conscience :°3…
– I’d be all for petting foxes btw (and the threes bros in their naturally furry state are so kyooooot). And owls * _ * .
– well… however you slice it the moment they openly reffed Alien *tears * were * springing up * [ sorry not sorry ] but seriously I had just been thinking to the whole xenomorphs’ incubation ways during Hoozuki’s educational&safety intro, so it was one of those YES EXACTLY THAT, YESS OH MY AAAAH moments :°D
– relatedly: the worms’ head looked rather familiar here… but in a very Fallopian way ^_______^ ( genderbent twist! )
– yes with Hoozuki we can never say for sure. He’s such a natural >DDDD
June 3, 2018 at 2:46 pmerrata corrige: link broke in my tag above. <—- see the first paragraph ( linked to note 7th through 9th ) .