Sousei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions – 11

I may be too unversed in Aquarion to know for sure. But Aquarion MoE strikes me as more Evangelion than Aquarion. Mind you there is some cross-pollination between the two franchises on the creative side. I’m rather bummed that so few people seem to be watching this show, though it could hardly be less surprising. It has a sincerity and honesty about it that really appeals to me, but the packaging here just isn’t suited to commercial success.

  • Momohime is dead, miss her miss her. And Hana did the deed, just as she always said she would. But the universe self-corrects and she shows up again the day after her funeral, just like Sayo did. The hitch here is that she apparently has to die in order for over universe to “win”.
  • 72 hours until the final battle, and DEAVA says the home team has a 99% chance of winning.
  • Kamisama is the moon priest from the flashbacks, which means he’s sort of Momohime and Rimiya’s dad. He tells the kids that he used to work for the Space Preservation Agency. But there was a split 15 years earlier – over the fate of Sun — and the Egg Council was born.
  • Not sure what to make of Kamisama having had sex with the Goddess and fathered Momohime in the process, but that’s clearly a watershed event in creating this timeline.
  • Palpatoshi basically tells Sakko and Rimiya they’re no longer needed or wanted. But it seems he was acting on his own in doing so, as Sun-kun is not present. Palpatoshi then has them (along with Kamisama) locked up as a means to make sure they don’t fly with the final battle finally comes. But Munekata-sensei – and the vice-principal – are  undercover Egg agents and free them. They then turn around and launch in addition to Momohime’s trio.
  • SEELE Space Preservation Agency decides to use the Lance of Longinus Staff of Zeus to improve those odds even more.

The big question at this point is whether Momohime really does have to die  in order for this universe to win. Sun seems to imply that’s true, but Momohime is taking a contrarian view. To wit, that the whole fight is unnecessary because the other universe just wants to share the love. We’ll see how that works out in the finale, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see Sakko have to make a choice between saving Momohime and saving the universe as he knows it.


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