More than any series this season – and maybe many seasons – Ranma ½ is really dependent on its cast for success. It’s an interesting blend of old and new – for my money Yamadera Kouichi is the MVP so far. As noted last week Mikado and Azusa are two of the newbies, somewhat surprisingly given that both originals are still very much in the game. But if they were going to re-cast it’s hard to argue with Miyano Mamoru and Yuuki Aoi, especially the latter. As good as Miyano is I find Yuuki is stealing their scenes – the depravity she brings to the role is really something to behold.
Individually Mikado and Azusa are dastardly and unhinged, but it’s putting them together that really draws out the magic. What I love about them is that they seemingly can’t stand each other. She beats him up and he screams at her and calls her names while chasing anything in a skirt. Yet they have this seemingly unbreakable chemistry on ice. Even if this is all about her procuring a pig and him trying to get to first base, they have no problem working together to make it happen. It’s almost inspiring in a ludicrous way.
My favorite moment of the episode, hands, down, was Yuuki’s “Ha!” barrage when Ranma faceplanted as soon as got onto the ice. He seems pretty indestructible but Ranma is finally out of his depth here. That’s what makes his determination all the more impressive. As series veterans have noted, this is a mini-arc that actually sees a fair bit of progression and, dare I say it, character development. Ranma is overmatched but absolutely determined to protect Akane from Mikado’s lecherous lips. Is it because he actually has come to like her that way or is he just being a good boy (which he is, generally)? That “She’s my fiancee and if you touch her, you’re dead” declaration was pretty unambiguous.
Azusa and Mikado break out their special couple-crushing move – the “Good-Bye Whirl“. A measure, I suppose, of how much of an irritation their opponents have turned out to be. Ranma totally takes one for the team here, and messes himself up pretty good protecting Akane. At this point Ryouga enters the picture (I’m not sure how P-chan got out of that chain), killing the lights and dousing Ranma in cold water with the intent of pairing with Akane but grabbing Ranma instead. This sets off mass confusion in the arena as the entire pairing seems to have been swapped out. Then Azusa notices the collar around Ryouga’s neck and flat-out asks if he’s Charlotte.
Is the
pig jig up? Well, Akane surely overheard that but she shows no signs of believing it. Akane is determined to have Ranma head for the showers (gender-changing doesn’t heal broken bones), but Ranma is just as determined to keep Akane from getting within Mikado’s reach. Eventually Ranma winds up pairing with Ryouga (after they get a fashion makeover), but there’s one more problem here – Ryouga can’t skate. What he can do is punch the ice so hard it shatters (the rink is a frozen swimming pool). Not a problem for Ranma – she’s already a girl. But unless Ryouga wants to reveal his identity to Akane beyond any conceivable doubt, it’s a big problem for him.

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