Dandadan – 10

It certainly made a strong impression – on me and generally – when Dandadan debuted in manga form. It’s an infectiously zany piece of work. But Dandadanime is really taking that to another level. I’ve been touting the importance of a really stellar adaptation since the anime was announced, and it should be obvious why. All this perfectly timed comic dialogue and stellar voice work and visual trickery is essential to making the transition work. Some manga need that, some don’t. But Dandadan without it would be really drab and probably depressing. Fortunately the production committee was smart enough to figure that out.

Things only get crazier from here, believe me. In the aftermath of last week’s events the naked trio take refuge in the office of the nurse, Joou-sensei (Takahashi Chiaki). Naturally Queen-sensei is another freakshow, so she fits right in. Okarun struggles with the reality that aliens are targeting him specifically, and now probably Aira too. He speculates that it’s because they want to invade Earth and can’t because of the world’s demons and spirits, and are seeking out paranormal humans so as to develop anti-akuma technology.

But they soon have mantis shrimp to fry, namely the fact that the whole school saw the three of them naked or semi-naked and (for Momo and Ken at least) in compromising positions. Momo declares that everyone should just say it was her fault, as that fits her reputation and she’s too exhausted to argue anyway. Aira and Momo’s respective posses show up, each putting their partisan spin on events. But when push comes to shove, Aira isn’t willing to throw Momo under the bus – she takes the blame for her situation herself, though her fan club is obviously skeptical.

Momo confronts Ken about the “kissing” incident, in the process giving him a chance to clear the air. He admits that he was working out to try and look cool for her (and if she doesn’t take that as a huge compliment there’s something amiss with her). It’s refreshing that this wasn’t dragged out but that’s Dandadan in a nutshell – it’s certainly not a romance first but Okarun and Momo’s relationship is indeed refreshingly free of BS. Piece more or less returns for the three of them, but with this show you know that’s not a default state.

The return of Mr. Mantis Shrimp spices things up. Okarun has dubbed him the Dover Demon (after a creature supposedly spotted in 1977 in Dover, Massachusetts). He’s in bad shape, and – good-hearted kids they are – Momo and Ken (Aira tagging along) take the Dover Demon home to Grandma. She patches him up, Momo makes him curry, and when he comes to he shares his story. Chiquitita is in fact his son, suffering from a rare disease which causes him to need blood every day in massive amounts (which is why his Dad is gigging for the Serpoians). Fortunately Seiko soon realizes that Dover Demon blood is actually milk (who knew) and promises to procure him a cow to take home.

This is just really funny stuff, plain and simple. The whole schtick with Seiko calling Dover Demon a kappa (which she obviously knows is nonsense) just to piss Momo off, for example. And his constant “-desu” manner of speech. Ken offering his wiener to help. And then the spectacle of Dover Demon beaming the cow up to his ship, in a perfect parody of UFO folklore since the dawn of modern media. Then we have the three kids begging Grandma for new uniforms (yet again), and her forcing her granddaughter to do an Abe Hiroshi (Japanese actor and model, and a huge Takakura Ken fan ironically) impression to earn hers.

This series is very good at teasing out a new development at the end of an episode/chapter (right after a meal, which Yukinobu Tatsu says he likes to end every arc with). And in this case it’s Jiji (Ishikawa Kaitou), who shows up at the door unannounced – though Seiko was expecting him and didn’t tell Momo. Jiji, she tells Okarun, is Momo’s childhood friend – and first love. And all I can say is, if you thought the ones we’ve met are crazy, wait till you get to know Jiji. Ishikawa wouldn’t have been my first choice for the part, but I said that about Hanae Natsuki too and I freely admit he’s nailing it. In Dandadanime we trust.



  1. R

    Abe Hiroshi impression is something I didn’t expect.

    Kinda out of topic Enzo, but Beastars final season is out. Are you planning to cover it?

  2. I know, I know. I would say conditionally sure, but it’s a question of finding the time.

  3. N

    Things get back to “normal” in this episode, or I suppose what can pass off as that in this series. It’s time to dry off and somehow return to normal proceedings at school. Unfortunately for them, this while incident happened in the middle of classes and so there were lots of witnesses seeing their return. The school nurse, nicknamed “Queen-sensei” takes a quick look at them. Yep, she’s another freakshow and it seems like she might work as a dominatrix on weekends (Why is the nurse’s office as dark as a dungeon?).

    The trio does eventually get some alone time as they talk about what happened. Okarun theorizes that there’s some kind of aliens vs youkai thing going on. Aliens want to conquer the planet, but they can’t get past the youkai. Thus, they want to kidnap humans with supernatural abilities to figure out a solution to that. On a more immediate level, they’ve got to do something with the rumours about the 3 of them. Right, Momo doesn’t mind it if she gets all of the blame as it befits her reputation and nobody would question it. Aira surprsingly clears the air with her supporters, including revealing that she was the one who spread those earlier rumours about Momo. That should get them off everybody’s backs.

    Okarun also clears the air with Momo about that comprimising situation between him and Aira. He was secretly working out so that he would look cool for Momo. She’s a bit impressed, certainly. Things don’t stay “normal” for much longer as the mantis shrimp somehow shows up again. He seems badly injured and back to grandma’s place again as he gets healed up. He’s not here to fight anymore and shares his tale about why he was working with the Seropians. He needs money for his son, Chiquitita (I guess his brother is named Fernando…) who’s bleeding everyday. He comes from a race of pugilists, but he’s not very good at battling and so he’s had to take a dead-end job working for the Seropians. It seems that black companies aren’t limited to just humans. Fortunately, it turns out that Dover Demon blood is just like cow’s milk and so that solves that problem. He just has to bring back a cow (No mutilations, though!) and makes a big show of it, though Seiko still insists that she’s been dealing with a kappa all this time (It’s either cucumbers or milk. It can’t be both!).

    That’s that, until somebody shows up at the door as Momo is doing some kind celebrity impersonation as punishment in return for paying for a new school uniform. It’s somebody named Jiji, a childhood friend of Momo’s and her first love. This is not a fun twist for Okarun.

  4. N

    This is the second breather episode so far, and like the first, it comes in the exact right time and does exactly what it needs to do. Within all the zaniness, Dandadan has a heart.

  5. r

    I think I the show’s title finally ‘clicked’ with me. As soon as Jiji was introduced as a childhood friend and Ken’s reaction, Beethoven’s 5th Symphony began playing in my head: “Dan Dan Dan Daaaaannn”

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