Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita. – 10

I don’t think this episode puts me any closer to understanding what the heck Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita. is, or is trying to be. And it certainly doesn’t offer any hints on what Bones is planning to do with the ending. But at least it was different. We managed to get an episode without F*ck girl and Birdman and still tolerable. And I think, though it may sound harsh, that’s because Byakuya and Mira were never together. That relationship is pretty one note, and we’ve heard the note played many times.

I’m the first to admit it – Mister Familiar is not a nice man. His “prime pimp” mug says everything you need to know about his attitude. But… I kind of think Familiar-san is more talk than action. It’s debatable whether he’s actually exploiting Byakuya at this point, or if he would. He certainly takes advantage of her at the very least, but he’s more bad dad than pimp really. I don’t think he would every actually go that route with Byakuya but there’s no denying he lets her bring the money is while he lounges around the house. Unless there’s secret Angel stuff he does while she’s out that he doesn’t want her to know about.

I would even venture so far as to say Byakuya feels some affection for Familiar, and vice-versa. In her case it could easily be written off as a function of her being an orphan or a kind of Stockhokm Syndrome, but maybe it’s more than that. He eats with her even though he doesn’t have to eat. He makes sure she’s not by herself, at the very least. I don’t know if there’s any substance to their relationship, or even if there should be. But I’m pretty sure they’d miss each other if they weren’t around.

As for the so-called evil organization, they’re not even trying anymore. The big development this week was planning the year-end party for the King (which may be the first time he’s been mentioned). And it sounds like quite a bacchanal in the offing. Mira has fallen in love at least but I’m not even sure why anyone else in that group is even here. All the stuff we see them doing they could just as easily do wherever they come from (be that another country or another planet).


1 comment

  1. N

    This was an unusual episode as we didn’t see Byakuya and Mira together. After the Christmas party, they’re both occupied with other things. Mira was able to skip the company Christmas party, but there’s no escaping from the end-of-the-year party for the big boss and it’s up those generals to cater to his every whim. I think he’s been mentioned a few times, but this is the first time when he’s mentioned to be a king. We still don’t know what it’s going to be all about, but that’ll probably be covered in the next meeting as Mira doesn’t want to be late for his bus. I appreciate that even an evil organization understands the value of public transportation.

    The meat of this episode is about the daily routine for Byakuya and her familiar. At least for this day, this doesn’t include any battling against the evil organization (It’s been a while since we’ve seen that) and so Byakuya can focus on her part-time jobs. We’ve seen earlier that her familiar does go out on his own, but today he’s just lazing around at home all day long. It’s clearly an unusual relationship, though supposedly close enough that she considers it as something like a family. He doesn’t even have to be in cat form all of the time, though maybe it’s just easier for him to be that way. Otherwise, there wasn’t a whole lot of progression here and I’m guessing that the next episode should have something to do with the New Year holidays.

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