After a one-week Olympic break, Shoushimin Series returns both to the airwaves and LiA. It won the Patron Pick vote, which consisted of Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san, Shoushimin Series, Giji Harem, and Kami no Tou: Ouji no Kikan. To be honest I was expecting Alya-san to win, but it wasn’t even close – Shoushimin got over half the votes. I don’t have plans to cover any of the others at this point (Alya-san is probably the most likely), but as always I reserve the right to pop back in if events warrant.
As for this show, it remains pretty vexing. It’s perverse at the very least, showcasing Yonezawa’s trademark narrative peculiarity at its most singular. But it seems more ostentatious about it than Hyouka was, though whether that’s a function of the source or the adaptation I don’t know. Shoushimin Series has a bit of a pleased with itself quality which I find a little grating. Not so much so that it would be a deal-breaker as long as the rest of it held my interest. Whether that’s the case is still up in the air.
The bulk of this episode was Jougarou and Kengou sitting in a classroom solving the Sakagami mystery. More properly Jougarou solving and Kengo playing a minimal Watson role (mostly by supplying ratios for Jougarou to number crunch). Was this interesting? I guess sort of, though that’s very much in the eye of the beholder. Jougarou pieces together that Sakagami is going to a driving school far from his house, is almost certainly a first-year and thus 5/6 likely to be 15, and probably intent on using the license for nefarious purposes. And of course he winds up being right.
The comment about himself being a fox and Osanai being a wolf was interesting, in the sense that it continues to plant a seed of doubt about what’s going on here. I don’t think any of this is intended to be taken literally, but I’m not totally discounting it yet. If it’s metaphorical I really wanted to see Yuki metaphorically rip out someone’s windpipe. As it is she has to settle for getting a bunch of kids arrested for fraudulent use of licenses, including Sakagami-kun, and she feels sort of bad about it.
In the final analysis it sounds as if the pair of them might be giving up on this whole “ordinary” thing, whatever it actually is. To thine own canine be true? At the very least Jougarou suggests the possibility, though Yuki seems less keen. Then at the cake shop another case gets randomly tossed in their lap, as an angry woman throws a glass of water on her husband (or fiancee or boyfriend), dousing Yuki in the process. And I guess for a wolf, that’s a call to revenge. I’m kind of where I was two weeks ago – curious about where this weird thing is going, without yet feeling really invested in it.

August 6, 2024 at 7:16 amCongrats to “Shoushimin Series” for winning the vote. It sounds like it was like how Kristen Faulkner just broke away from the group she was in and made it look like an easy win. What a race that was.
So, we get down to solving the mystery about Sakagami as it’s broken down into the who, what, where, when and why. Yep, it was mostly Kobato and Kengou sitting in the classroom and putting together the clues. It wasn’t exactly compelling to me as they were crunching numbers on the whiteboard, but they figured out what Sakagami was up to and why. We saw the fox and the wolf imagery from the OP and Kobato describes himself as the fox and Osanai as the wolf. I didn’t think she was going to literally rip out the throats of others, but it interesting that Kobato described it as such. Right, she instead paves the way to getting all of the arrested. And, they would’ve gotten away with it too if Sakagami had stolen a different bicycle loaded with desserts! Osanai is persistent and has difficulty letting things go.
It seems like the business of becoming “ordinary” isn’t going so well for them as the episode ends with them eating desserts again. Perhaps the sweet treats are necessary to quell that wolfy spirit of vengeance or something like that (She can put away that stack of pancakes? Impressive). Then, somebody goes and splashes some water on her at the end of the episode. Ahh, here we go again…