Tonari no Youkai-san – 10

I still miss Buchio.

I feel kinda Grinch-y for my mixed reaction to this episode. I think it was objectively a very good one (as best one can subjectively say that). It was creepy, atmospheric, and at times rather affecting. But as shallow as it sounds, I just find Mutsumi kind of annoying. The tone of the series just works better for me when Buchio is the focus character (and it’s rare for me to say that about a Kaji Yuuki role). Reminds me a bit of how the youkai-focused eps of Natsume Yuujinchou almost always worked better for me than the ones focused on humans.

But this is all more of a visceral reaction that a true criticism. Starting with Isshin, a folk singer who I don’t think we’ve met before, and Hayachiyo it was quite effective at establishing an unsettling tone. Oni are wandering the forests (fittingly as it’s Setsubun time and the beans – and feathers – are flying). And a mysterious shadow is lurking around Mu-chan’s house (though from the moment we saw that shadow I’ve known who it was, as I think we were supposed to).

I’m not sure how Isshin ties in with the rest of the story, if indeed he does. But the shadow is obviously Mu-chan’s father, or whatever is left of him after he was swallowed up by the void. One can read a lot of symbolism into his story, but that’s subject to interpretation. What’s clear is that he’s now effectively a hungry ghost. He doesn’t know who or what he is – or was – but he knows he’s desperately lonely and he craves to be in the presence of Mutsumi (though why her and not anyone else in the house I don’t know – we haven’t seen the older sister in so long I forgot she existed).

It was clear Betobeto-san was going to be an important player as soon as made that speech when he was introduced, and this always seemed like the logical way it would happen. Tazenbou and Jirou are able to talk to the shadow after it temporarily swallows up Mutsumi. And once it becomes clear that it – “it” being the man’s disembodied soul, more or less – has a strong enough desire to materialize itself, Jirou (somewhat reluctantly it seems to me) extends a hand and pulls him into this plane.

As interesting as this turn is, on some level it has an air of heavy melodrama to it. Again, to each their own – I just don’t find this to be Tonari no Youkai-san’s most appealing side. It’s looking increasingly likely that it’s going to suck up most of the oxygen in the room for the rest of the season too, which would be pretty unfortunate for those of me who prefer other facets of the series.



  1. c

    Yeah. I felt like the Mutsumi stuff really works best when it is tied to the youkai’s angst around outliving loved ones. Not sure if they can tied the thread with her father together with that thematically, but I think it would hit harder then.

  2. N

    It is now Setsubun and with beans (Beans and Cornbread had a fight. Beans knocked Cornbread out of sight…) are flying around in town. In this case, there really are oni wandering around in the forests and the beans are doing their work. Hayachiyo was making her patrols and everything seems fine. Right, I think this is the first time we’ve seen Isshin outside of the OP. It’s a pretty late character introduction and he comes across to me as a blind musician. I’m also wondering what role he’ll play in this final arc, but all we get is his introduction in this episode.

    The shadow shows up around family home of Mutsumi and you’re right that we know who it is. That shadow gets a chance to capture Mu-chan when she’s visiting Jirou and Tazenbou. That said, she’s lucky that they around during the attempted abduction as they manage to rescue her and drive back the shadow. However, it remains and it’s not going away. We see it again very soon as the shadow makes its way to the family home as she’s recovering. Jirou and Tazenbou have a chat with the shadow and it confirms that it’s Mu-chan’s dad in there. We also see exactly what happened to her dad. He was working in the city and then was a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    The shadow doesn’t know who it is, but it knows what it wants. That desire is indeed strong enough for it to want to will itself into existence and it’s reborn into a being like Betobeto-san. It’s going to stay with Betobeto-san until it develops an ego like its own and he went through that same state when it was Jirou and Tazenbou watching over him. So, dad’s back… Sorta, kinda. It’s definitely an odd situation for the family and with this plot being squared away for now, I wonder if we’ll be back to Buchio again.

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