Happily, I was able to write the post title I hoped I would. We got our S2 announcement for Dungeon Meshi, though not yet a premiere date. I mean, that was always the overwhelmingly likely prospect. The production committee waited until the manga was nearly finished before starting the anime, long after one would have expected one given the manga’s popularity. Trigger didn’t rush through the material in any way – in fact they adapted just over half, but the rest of the series is more plot heavy and there are plenty of extras that could be adapted so that should be no problem. This was expected – but until it was confirmed that was a little part of me that was always going to worry.
What it comes down to, really, is that Dungeon Meshi is awesome. There’s an easy charm to it that few series can match, and the same can be said about Kui Ryoko’s attention to detail. Only someone who loves tabletop gaming could write Dungeon Meshi, and only someone who lives it could appreciate all the little details Kui gets just right. But I’m glad the season ended with the main five just being adorably derpy for 22 minutes because for me, as versatile as it is that’s Dungeon Meshi at its absolute best.
Part of that attention to detail comes in the way the finer points of a situation like these changeling mushrooms plays out. It’s Chilchuck who asks a pointed question – do the characters age at their innate rates, or at the rates of their new bodies? That matters, as half-foots average 50 years (terrifying for Marcille), dwarves “2.5 times a tall man”, et al. Chilchuck also notes that if it were as easy as that, these mushrooms would be more valuable than gold – many wealthy beings would pay massively to change race (and live longer, mainly). Since they’re basically unknown, he reasons, the effect either must be temporary or the side effects very unpleasant.
The answer will come soon enough, but Chil’s logic is a bucket of cold water for Laios. He’s basically the least squeamish person in the world for starters, so he’s cool with all this – and he saw the changelings as a potential solution to the problem of Falin’s dragon body. Theory time is cut short however when two gargoyles attack (and Marcille gets an object lesson on the challenges of being a half-foot in a scrum). By pure chance and keen insight Laios realizes that the group itself can now becomes a fairy circle, which proves to be the difference in the gargoyle fight and serves as proof that it’s a simple matter of washing the spores off thoroughly (with the help of a Manneken Pis-style transformed gargoyle) to reverse their transformation. Eventually.
Mostly, it’s just enormously endearing what this group fumble about in their new forms. The faces in this series are some of the best you’ll ever see (Izutsumi is a huge addition to that), and stuff like Laois hiding Kensuke’s badass new form from Marcille and Marcille getting pinballed around by the others at every turn is just hilarious. Eventually the gargoyles are defeated and the spores washed off, and after a meal of transformed dumplings (I think Elf Senshi is my absolute favorite of all these transformations) and a night’s sleep everyone is more or less back to normal.
The next day they find some dwarvish tech – what looks like something close to a mine train which Senshi refers to as a “trolley” – and settle down for the ride to wherever it takes them. Senshi asks Laios about his past, and gets an earful. A lot of it concerning how rough Falin’s childhood was, and Senshi scolds Laios for having brought her with him for such a dangerous lifestyle. Senshi is a thoughtful and observant fellow, and he hasn’t forgotten the “souls as eggs” conversation of a few eps ago. If Falin is a sunny side up on top of bacon, perhaps the can be pried free. With Izutsumi it’s more of an omelet, which makes the idea of separating her disparate parts seem a fair bit trickier.
Senshi’s Falin theory is simple. Since being digested fundamentally transforms the formerly living even in this strange dungeon, perhaps if the dragon part of her are eaten, the dragon part of her soul can be excised. Laios, as ever unfazed, is mainly concerned that it would take the five of them a decade to eat something as massive as Falin has become. Senshi points out that Laios does have connections he could call on, and a plan starts to take shape. Free the winged lion, team with it to subdue the Lunatic Magician, and have the biggest sister-eating party ever with all of his friends (and a bunch of people who don’t like him very much).
That’s as good a place as anywhere to leave it, really. The series is about half over, as I said, but the plot is really just getting started. I think finishing by reinforcing the bonds among the Laios party (including with Izutsumi), and them with the audience is a wise move. As big as this series gets it’s still these people and their dynamic that drives everything, including the series’ not inconsiderable charm. Spending time with these moolyaks is always a pleasure, and the very heart of the Dungeon Meshi experience.
That I haven’t been the biggest fan of Trigger is no secret. But my views have softened over time, as Imaishi Hiroyuki’s stylistic dominance in their work has waned and they’ve proved their mettle with SSSS.Gridman and Dynazenon. As a fan of the manga I have absolutely no quibbles with their treatment of Dungeon Meshi. This has been an outstanding adaptation and one that’s allowed the character of the source material to command the stage, always one’s biggest worry with a studio like Trigger. It’s nice to to see a really outstanding manga get an adaptation worthy of it, and a complete one at that. It came a lot later than most expected but it’s been worth the wait.
End Card

June 15, 2024 at 3:01 pmI’m glad Trigger adapted this. It’s pretty satisfying and getting full adaptation is no surprise.
Kui Ryoko is an exceptional mangaka and whatever Kui-sensei makes after Dungeon Meshi, I will definitely read it.
June 16, 2024 at 3:12 amQuality aside, it’s unbelievable how much Crunchyroll got screwed when Netflix got the rights to this show. Because what we have here is arguably the most popular show of the entire season, if not the year so far, thanks in part to how much bigger Netflix is in terms of size and subber base (complete with a multi-language same-day simuldub that only made it more accessible globally). All the while CR is stuck with deeply average adaptations of shonen and crappy isekai shows outside of continuations with the occasional hit here and there (they did grab Witch Hat Atelier after all).
Something has to be done before Netflix begins to poach more shows away because they will keep missing out on potential massive hits like this or Oshi no Ko if CR doesn’t react fast enough.
June 18, 2024 at 10:10 pmI’m not sure if CR is getting beaten to the big series or it’s just decided intentionally to go for a “quantity over quality” approach. The pattern of Netflix, Disney or others snatching away key shows is pretty systematic at this point. The biggest powerhouses CR has are long running properties that date back to before the other streaming services took an interest. Seems to me like it’s possible that CR simply decided they’re not the kind of service where “normies” would go anyway, so they might as well double down on their own market and shit out however many poor quality subs of even worse quality isekai LN adaptations they can manage a week.
June 24, 2024 at 2:29 amIronically, they are trying to position themselves as the general anime service for casual fans with trying to grab the stuff that they believe gets attention from them. They are after all the service getting the most shows every season. And despite being owned by a major company like Sony, CR is still smaller than Disney+ or Netflix despite their ambitions to make it the “biggest” anime streaming service out there, because their competition has far bigger pockets than they do.
I suspected that CR losing OnK was the first domino to fall, and now with DunMeshi eclipsing so many other shows in popularity, they are at serious risk of being overshadowed and eventually deemed an afterthought in a few years.
June 24, 2024 at 10:24 pmAlso something to note is that because Netflix has fully unionized all their dubs, they are basically able to completely outclass any of CR’s non-union efforts and even get celebrity talent involved. So many people I know said that the actress who played Nami in the live-action One Piece was what got them to watch DunMeshi’s dub because she played Marcille.
Meanwhile, CR gets celebrities to shill their products and awards shows, but can’t even bother to pay translators more or take their dubs out of Texas.
Guardian Enzo
June 24, 2024 at 10:26 pmI don’t lament Netflix kicking CR’s ass, though a lot of anime fans seem to.
June 24, 2024 at 10:50 pmWell, the death of CR would mean the end of a monopoly yes, but it would also mark a few other bad signs, like the death of physical media for anime in the West and the demise of having specialty services and companies dedicated to anime distribution, since Netflix still treats anime as just a sideshow to their live-action shows (and refuses to allow most shows they acquire to get home releases), AMC Networks (who owns HiDive) is hurting badly and Disney doesn’t give a shit at all about the anime their Japanese division acquires.
Crunchyroll is apparently doing fine for a “niche” service financially for Sony, but for how much longer as anime continues to go “mainstream”?