My Taste is Better Than Yours Episode 4 – The Hunter X Hunter Exam Arc (Update: Now on Spotify)

When it comes to Hunter X Hunter, Samu and I are mostly in agreement (for a change). We couldn’t launch a new podcast series without including the one title that comes closest to topping both our lists of favorite manga.

But of course Hunter X Hunter is over 400 chapters long, so if you’re doing a half-hour show (or trying to) you have to break that down into bite-sized chunks. So we start with the first arc of the series, “Hunter Exam” – the one that introduced the world to Togashi Yoshihiro’s magnum opus.

MTiBTY upcoming release schedule:

May 27 – Episode #5: Hirayasumi by Keigo Shinzo
June 10 – Episode #6: The Next Big Thing?

Update: My Taste is Better Than Yours is now available on Spotify! I know a podcast option was important for many of you, so here you go. YouTube or Spotify, thanks very much for watching and listening, and I look forward to your comments,




  1. J

    Big thanks for getting this onto Spotify! Will be catching up on all episodes tonight. Looking forward to it 🙂

  2. You’re very welcome! It should be on several podcast outlets now.

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