Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2 – 23
That was a rather snappier and more interesting episode of Mahoutsukai, I have to say. Given that Morrigan is the only really interesting thing to happen in the past few episodes, More-iggan is certainly welcome.
RIP Alcyone. She’d certainly raised a forest of death (or whatever it is for an artificial fairy) flags, and she figured to go out defending Philomela. Having “Adam” show up was an interesting turn of events. He describes himself as a “curse”, a kind of magic time bomb inserted inside Alcyone by the real Adam to kill whoever it was who took out Alcyone. That would be Lizbeth of course, but he’ll have to take a number here – there’s a lot of jostling in the line to kill that old bat.
Morrigan’s arrival adds to the fun, as always. I’m still not entirely sure why she showed up again but it seems like the thing summoned by Lizbeth (via the book?) is a sort of God itself, and thus an intruder on her territory. Lizbeth gets swallowed by it book and all, but she’s no doubt still alive and twirling her moustache in there. Meanwhile Morrigan summons Ruth as a “hunting dog” but it seems she can’t kill it – as it was summoned by a human apparently a human has to end it (which I guess would let Mama Lycanthrope out). Elias transforms into steed form to help get the book back, and all seems set up for the final showdown next week.
Spy x Family Season 2 – 11
SpyFam is basically incapable of giving us anything really nice at this point. Even when it dishes out something with considerable charm like the A-part of this episode, it comes back with a total clunker in the B-part. I think that’s just the way it is – there are too many truly awful elements about the series to escape them for too long.
The stuff with the kids, though – that really can be charming. Damian is the best of them because not only do you get the laughs but easily the most engaging storyline in the series, but anytime Anya’s classmates are in focus Spy x Family is likely to click. There were a lot of nice laughs in the “Berlint in Love” chapter, most of them coming from Becky’s unhinged fantasies about Loid but also Anya’s hilarious reactions. Her disconnect from reality is total, from with her sheltered cocoon of uber-wealth to her embrace of hackneyed TV romance. That bit where she was throwing her hair about and Anya copied her was on-point.
I have to say, though, it seems impossible that Yor could be played any dumber than she is. That would be annoying enough if she were just a regular person, but given her occupation the ridiculousness factor is off the charts. I just want her to go away, because I don’t think any plot thread she’s tied up in is going to be any good. And her brother and Fiona, too. At least those two are seasonal pests, but Yor is close to omnipresent and it’s starting to pose a real problem.

December 18, 2023 at 12:41 amAs funny as Becky was, I pray that she will always keep her fantasies to herself.
December 18, 2023 at 9:21 amThe Fiona section was the anime’s third attempt at doing an original story and so far all three have been total clunkers – the other two were Yor delivering Anya’s uniform to her at school and Anya giving everyone a secret message.
At this point Yor is so dumb that it makes me seriously question how she’s any good at being an assassin.
Guardian Enzo
December 18, 2023 at 9:52 amThat seems to be a trend in Furuhashi adaptations. They struggle when they go off-script.
Udeze Jessica
December 21, 2023 at 5:12 amI really like spy x family the way it is
I mean who cares if Yor is a dumbass or not she always gets the Job done and she willingness to protect the people she loves is remarkable. I know that she may lack a few screws in the head but she loves Anya and wants to protect her. Dot forget that at the beginning Anya had no family she was all alone and now she has a family and a mom who loves you really want to take that all away. Yor is doing her best to be the perfect mother as far as am concerned she is a very strong woman, she is patient, she is good looking and have a lovable personality. I see no reason for all this hate. Sure she is dumb and lack cooking skills but who is perfect. Do not forget that she gave up everything for her little brother, even the chance for a proper education. Please everyone give yor and chance