It must be said, Migi to Dari gave us what amounts to a perfect ending. In every sense, too – it wrapped up the story in a manner it deserved, and it paid tribute to Sano Nami is a very profound and moving way. I was wondering if and how Mankyuu (who both directed and wrote this adaptation) was going to do that. The manner he chose could not have been more fitting, and I won’t deny it hit me pretty hard. It was elegant and understated in a way I suspect she would have thoroughly approved of.
You well know by now my obsession with codas. They’re rare enough in anime, much less single-cour ones. But this entire episode was, effectively, a coda – a luxury afforded by having a 13th episode when most shows have 12 these days, I suppose. All the surrealism and absurdism and pure Dali-ism came to a head last week, and this finale was given over to the aftermath. There was a time skip – narrated by Akiyama-kun, no less – that had me wondering if Sano-sensei was too much the contrarian to give the boys the happy ending I wanted for them. But that was mostly a misdirection, so I needn’t have worried.
One also needn’t have worried about all that missed time, because those blanks were filled in admirably. The gist of it is that Dari (sporting a reminder of his traumatic experience) doesn’t see himself as worthy of coming into the light. He wants to keep Hitori in the picture, and let Migi bask in the glow of the Sonoyama’s pampering. Migi’s joy is his happiness, he says – but of course that makes Migi unhappy. Setting aside the question of whether the secret could even be kept from the Sonoyama’s at this point given how many people know, Hitori is not a secret life Migi wants to keep living when the old couple obviously has more than enough love (and cherry pie) to go around.
As it turns out it’s a moot point, because the Sonoyamas figured it out on their own anyway. Which is not all that surprising, when you think about it. They’re smarter than they let on and Migi and Dari are still a couple of children who were playing spy games. Yes, they are very different. Migi is sweet and childish and just wants to live a normal life; Dari thinks too much and can’t let anything go. It’s a classic “good boy/bad boy” scenario if you like, but that’s life. Siblings, even
twins triplets, are their own person.
It’s fitting that it’s Christmas that both reveals their differences and provided the vehicle to end their subterfuge. Migi cleverly plays the game of believing in Santa to get more gifts, but when Mom and Dad put two of them under the tree, it’s clear the jig is up. Of course being a shadow isn’t what Dari really wants – he’s just not capable of articulating what he really wants like Migi can. One suspects that convincing himself he deserves to be happy will always be a struggle for Dari, but he’ll always have his brother pushing him to get over himself.
And then, the aforementioned timseskip. To 1993, which would make Hitori about 17. Maruta has turned into a bit of an ikemen, though still a beaver. Akiyama is bonding with Osamu over their shared love of birds. And Eiji, at last, is coming back to Origon Village – having served the lighter sentence Maruta’s video evidence managed to procure for him. Michan makes her first appearance of the episode (her second is the more memorable), Sali comes out of retirement, and first steps are taken to rebuilding Eiji’s relationship with his biological family.
Finally, the twist ending. And it’s that the brothers are splitting up. It’s on the best possible terms though – Dari is off to college, and Migi is staying behind to work on his avant-garde art (though truth be told, I think mostly just to hang out). The larger point is important – the time has come for Hitori to prove he can live without his alter ego. I have no doubt their experiment will show the boys that their connection is indeed stronger than distance, It is interesting, though, to speculate on which of them will struggle more with being separated from the other (I’m pretty confident about the answer myself).
If Fall 2023 has a theme, it’s under-appreciated gems. The big shows sucked a lot of the oxygen out of the room (and Kusuruiya and especially Frieren are indeed very good), but this season had a pod of series that deserved way more attention. Migi to Dari was entertaining start to finish, and often quite brilliant. No matter how crazy things got (and that’s pretty damn crazy), the internal logic of the plot held together and the characters stayed true to who they were. It’s a testament to good writing and direction that isn’t afraid to take risks, and has full commitment to the premise.
Sano Nami’s passing certainly imparts a bittersweet element to Migi to Dari. When this anime was greenlit the staff would almost certainly have had no reason to suspect Sano-sensei wouldn’t be around to see it. One senses that a great deal of commitment went in to making this show special as a tribute to her – when anime have that little bit of extra buy-in you can usually tell. How sad it is that this fabulously inventive and fearless creator was taken so young. But as a final artistic legacy, Migi to Dari honors her memory in glorious fashion, and everyone involved in making it happen should take pride in that.

December 27, 2023 at 1:31 amAfter all that craziness, a sane, satisfying, and above all, conclusive ending. As you say, roller-coaster rides like Migi to Dali need a coda.
I’m glad the Soyonamas proved to be more than backdrop characters; rather, the loving and rather canny parents the boys need. Migi is going to bask in the glow of that affectionate attention. Dali needs more time and space to believe he deserves it; but at least he believes he deserves to go to college. I am less sure about Eiji’s redemption. It seems a bit schematic – do terrible things; accept responsibility and go to prison; come out healed. But it’s no more improbable, I guess, than the entire setup.
Definitely not a mass-produced model.
Guardian Enzo
December 27, 2023 at 8:07 amI dunno…. Eiji’s arc seems pretty realistic to me. Raised by a psycho and ended up fucked-up. Did bad things, owned it in the end and paid a price for it. Then has to try and get on with living.
Antony Shepherd
December 27, 2023 at 1:31 amThis was an absolutely note-perfect way to end the show and I have to admit the memorium at the end had me in tears.
A worthy tribute to one taken too soon.
Guardian Enzo
December 27, 2023 at 8:06 amThat was a real gut-punch. In hindsight the whole final sequence is a tribute to the mangaka, really.
December 27, 2023 at 9:31 amNow, that was a great gift for Christmas. I have to agree that it was pretty much a perfect ending.
The immediate aftermath is that Eiji is going to prison after taking the fall for everything. That leaves “Hitori” in the clear and allows them to head back home to the Sonoyamas. The remaining Ichijous leave Origon Village and the burnt shell of their home remains. For “Hitori”, it’s back to their normal routine too. They already revealed themselves to their friends, but Dali wants to remain in the shadows. However, is it an act that he can continue indefinitely? It does show that he has doubts.
The Sonoyamas show that they are attentive, caring parents as they already figured out the act. The two Christmas gifts that they left was a great way to show that. I’ve been acquainted with two sets of identical twins and they are indeed their own distinct people even with many similarities. They both finally reveal themselves to their parents on Christmas morning. It looks like the Sonoyamas have doubled up with two sons and two dogs. Oh yeah, and the gratutious English is back. It’s been too long.
Then, here comes a time skip and the boys have grown up and sporting new looks. Maruta got a glow up, but still kept his buck teeth. As for birdman Shunpei, he’s going to look like Osamu when he becomes a senior, eh? Migi and Dali are now pursuing their own interests, but they still got the twin act down when it comes to pie-making. It looks like they have one more guest staying at the household as the spirit of Micchan is now staying with them. Then, the big event, the Ichijous return and with Eiji. He’s sporting a buzz cut now and Karen reunites with Murata. They’re pretty much in their own world as the rest of the family reunites.
That split at the end was indeed a great fakeout. Dali is heading off to college while Migi stays behind. Migi may head off to art college at some point, but for now he’s going to work on his artistic talents at home. The spirit of Micchan puts on the finishing touches to the episode with a wonderful tribute to the late author.
This series was the biggest surprise of the season for me and it was certainly a wild ride. The mix of absurdist comedy and horror was brilliant and I’m going to miss this show. Thanks again for the coverage and what a great ending to also end the year.