Weekly Digest 11/19/2023 – Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku-hen, Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2

Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku-hen – 07    

Long, boring fight.  Not much to see here, really.  I’ll check back in if TMR does anything worth writing up – for now, I’m out.


Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2 – 19

If indeed that’s it for Tokyo Revengers at least for a while (we’ll see if the even-numbered episode thing holds next week) Mahoutsukai loses its dance partner for these digest posts.  That means it has to carry enough weight on its own, and while it’s certainly the better show (even if there has been a week or two this season where I’ve liked TMR better), I’ve had some pretty big dips in interest since Hogwarts started.  I imagine we’re at the point now where every episode is going to be meaningful, so hopefully that carries the season across the line.

As indifferent as I am about the whole Philomela storyline, at least stuff is happening with it now.   That confrontation between the Headmistress and Chise was an interesting moment.  I’m with Liza on this one – she’s got a responsibility to the whole student body and staff, and that trumps the interests of one girl who sold her soul to the devil.  But Chise is going to be Chise, for better and for worse – thank goodness Elias was around to keep her from going off half-cocked (and for those amulets).

Good puppy though she was, Chise is not going to let Philomela goo unrescued, and Elias has no loyalty to the college so he’s going to help.  Chise’s answer is to summon a dragon and head underground to search out Philomela’s sent, and Elias absorbs Lucy, Isaac, and Zoe (along with Zacherroni Bolognese) – who’ve insisted on tagging along – inside himself to follow.  It’s pretty obvious that Philomela’s grandmother has manipulated her into this with promises of reviving her parents, though what the old crone’s real goal is here isn’t yet clear.

The wild card here is the crow woman fairy, who’s someone you clearly don’t want to make eye contact with (like Kyoto monkeys).  What her role in all this is we don’t yet know, but she’s expecting payment from Chise – presumably for that dragon summons.  I don’t expect that will have been cheap, either…



  1. N

    The Christmas party confrontation continues as the headmistress and Philomena face down each other. Philomena continues to ask “nicely” to lower the barrier or there’s going to be trouble. The headmistress eventually does for the safety of the students and the faculty. In the meantime, the female werewolf has been murdering the homeless in the streets of London to keep herself occupied and then notices that the barrier has been lowered. The barrier has been lowered, but they’re not just going to let Philomena go and instructor Gregory transforms into a bear. Alycone takes the hit for her while the female werewolf arrives to pull Philomena and Alycone out. Chise is once again get called out for her savior complex, though she still takes matters into her own hands and summons a red dragon. Isaac, Lucy, Zoe and instructor Zaccheroni tag along with Elias as they follow Chise. Rian is left out as he’s still recovering from having his magic drained. He’ll have to find another way to reconcile with Philomena.

    Chise tracks down Philomena from her scent and travels through underground magic leylines that lead out of London. Philomena returns home with the book that her grandma wanted, even as her body is falling apart. Even after that, she barely acknowledges Philomena. She then wonders why she got the book and returned home in the first place as she can’t remember how her parents look like, but it looks like the next episode will have a flashback regarding that. Chise makes her way towards where Philomena is but is immediately accosted by somebody. I think that’s the Winter Goddess, who was seeking Chise in the previous episode. I somehow remembered that character when I rewatched the previous episode. She was riding on that centaur, and she turned into a bunch of crows when Silky informed her that Chise wasn’t around. It looks like she’s come to collect her tribute now. That’s one more wrinkle in an already complicated situation.

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