Mononogatari – 20

This is probably the longest I’ve ever waited to “officially” pick up a show (tagging it).  But who am I kidding?  It’s not like I’m dropping a series 80% of the way through, and anyway Mononogatari is probably better now than it has been at any point during its run.  I am sort of glad it took spring off, because that season was so packed it might have been a struggle to stay with it.  But in a much more undistinguished season like this one, Mononogatari actually ranks pretty high up the charts.

One of the joys of this arc is seeing characters like Taiju finally step into their own.  The battle rages on three fronts here, with the big boss of the Saenome taking on Tsuzumi, his sons doing battle with Fumie (and his puppets), and of course the main event.  That would be Hyouma trying to protect Botan while facing down Tsumabiki (who one presumes is the strongest of the Bureau trio) and the female paper umbrella.  That would be enough on its own, but those wild cards I mentioned last week (and one I didn’t) are still out there to be played.

Taiju is a badass, though that’s hardly a surprise given his position (and he admits here that he took it from his predecessor by force).  Taiju declares himself here both in terms of strength and ideals (or at least priorities).  The “100-dan Talisman User” has a pretty clear upper hand against Tsuzumi all through this battle, but especially when he calls on Okuu – apparently the tsukumogami of an entire building (perhaps this one) to help him.  His boys are having considerable trouble with Fumie’s puppet army, but they get an unexpected assist – the “Special Exemption” tsukumogami enter the fray on their behalf.

Hyouma would have a tough time facing this double-team even without Botan to protect, but he rises to the occasion, even using his special seanome duds to keep him close to him.  Even so the tide of things is clear here, with Hyouma taking a couple of wounds (one quite serious) in defending Botan.  Tsumabiki admits flat-out to the karakasa that she’s holding back because she likes Hyouma, and I don’t doubt her.  But I also don’t doubt she’d end him if given no choice.  My favorite moment of the episode came when Tsumabiki tried to entice Botan to surrender in order to save Hyouma.  This played out in exactly the right way.  She refuses, and for precisely the correct reason – doing so would be a betrayal of his efforts to protect her, and a refutation of his promise to protect her (and to not die).

This is where one of those big wild cards comes into play, and that’s Tsubaki.  She’s been busy – releasing the seal on Okku, trying to roust the other wild card Kushige from his slumber.  Mostly though Tsubaki is clearly just itching for a fight.  Tsumabiki muses that “she’s an unknown, even to me”.  She’s rumored to be as strong as her father, and there are other “disturbing” rumors too.  One could hazard a guess that those rumors concern her being kind of a nut job – certainly someone addicted to the adrenaline of battle.  Hyouma doesn’t exactly like what he sees, but he’s in no position to refuse the help.

Clearly, there are still a few ebs and flows to go in this battle.  This conspiracy has had a lot of planning put into it, and there are likely to be wild cards on the other side still to be played as well.  As long as the Bridal Trousseau is out of the picture the odds still look pretty tough for the good guys – but ironically, the one member of the Trousseau who isn’t a prisoner of the paper umbrella (seemingly the head honcho) is Kushige, and that’s because he was sidelined as part of their plan.  That might just come back to bite them in the ass.


1 comment

  1. N

    The previous episode set-up the coming battles and now the ball starts rolling. Indeed, Hyouma is at a major disadvantage, having to face two powerful opponents at the same time while protecting Botan and using door pulls that he still hasn’t mastered. It takes everything he has just to keep up with their combined attacks and he makes use of the items that the trousseau left for Botan. He does get beat up, but is still able to protect Botan, with an assist from his living clothing (It gave them a matching look too).

    It appears that the Music Society’s fondess for humans is not just a facade as all three of them give the choice to just hand over Botan and then they go away. Tsumabiki gives Hyouma two outs, and Botan gets one to spare Hyouma. It was a nice moment when she refused and Hyouma even got a second wind from that and got in a solid blow.

    Elsewhere, Taiju shows why he’s the head of the Kyoto Saenome and shows off his powers. Yep, I didn’t expect a tsukumogami that was an entire building and he’s also got a snake ready to strike should Tsuzumi manage to find the exit. His sons and the other Saenome are having a difficult time with Fukie and his puppets, but then the calvary arrives which includes the sake seller and the tailor from earlier episodes. But, just who summoned them?

    Yep, it was Tsubaki, who was a no-show in the previous episode. She’s been busy in the background to assist her dad and her brothers, even finding some time to give a pep talk to Kushige. She arrives fashionably late to the party and sets her sights on Karasaka and Tsumabiki. She really unleashes her abilities this time and the imagery of her seeing those two as new toys to play with is appropriate. It brings out a bloodlust, which may not be a good thing. In any case, this was a showcase episode for her and her dad.

    Yep, the battle still continues on and I’m thinking we should be getting back to the trousseau in the next episode. I still can’t help but think that Karasaka hasn’t fought at full strength yet. In the first battle, she simply didn’t have to. Right now, Tsumabiki made it clear to her that she’s the maestro of this concert. Karasaka may reach a point to forego any arrangements and handle it herself.

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