Tokyo Revengers: Seiya Kessen-hen – 09

Tokyo Revengers 2 is another multi-cour series I’m making no commitments to beyond its first season.  This has never really been an issue for me before, but the circumstances at the moment are unusual.  We have what looks on paper to be an extremely busy season coming up, and a couple of shows that are right in the grey area as far as keeping me committed.  After 30+ episodes of TMR I’d rather stick with it if possible, but there are times when the head-desk moments get so insufferable that I just want to throw up my hands and bail.  And these last few eps fall under that heading (Edit: my bad, this season is only running one cour).

Ultimately, I think what will prove insurmountable for me is that my issues with Tokyo Revengers boil down to the premise itself.  I’m not inspired by Mikey showing up to save everybody’s asses, and I don’t see him as admirable, much less heroic.  He’s the chief punk, that’s all – just another hoodlum written to be OP and kind of loopy.  Draken (who’s the one character in the Toman elite I kind of liked, before the seiyuu change anyway) beating up 100 guys. well – that’s TMR to a T.  Not even Miyamoto Musashi took out that many at once.  And as for that touching Shiba family moment, I’m just glad I watched before a meal and not right after.

If there’s a silver lining, it’s that this ridiculous church debacle is finally over, and we can re-start the carousel one more time.  TMR’s arcs tend to do better at the start than at the finish, because for a while they can skate around the gaping holes in the ice that is the premise.  I imagine Takemitchy (don’t take anybody to the hospital or anything) is going to get back together with Hina now, but what he and Chifuyu do with Kisaki’s double-cross is the more interesting variable of the moment.



  1. y

    As you said the episode have been almost insufferable, so I’m glad that this is over and maybe we can move onto some better things.

    Also I think this season is only 1-cour? I could be wrong.

  2. Oopsie, you’re right.

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