Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 2nd Season – 07

At this point, there’s really no question as to whether evil Iruma is actually evil.  He’s obviously not – he’s just Iruma with the limiters switched off.  The more interesting question, I think, is which version of Iruma is actually the one he’d rather be.  Iru-bo as we know and love is a sweetheart – the nicest boy you could imagine.  He’s much-appreciated by his friends and demon family for those qualities, and he seems pretty happy in his new life.  But this Iruma is clearly acting on a lot of the desires that Iruma was too deferential, too confrontation-averse (one might even say “too Japanese” if they wished to venture into the realm of extrapolation) to act on.  Will he really want to go back?

This Iruma is a force of nature to be sure.  What’s notable though is that “good” Iruma – Mark I if you like – pretty much won everything he ever got himself involved in.  He always managed to be smart enough, tough enough, or stubborn enough to win – it’s just that he was very good at avoiding situations where he had to.  He beat you without you realizing it, and made you thank him for it – that’s Iruma Mark I’s gift.  This Iruma, however, overtly uses those powers to get what he wants, and doesn’t try to hide what he’s doing.  And what he wants right now is the Royal One.

So then, Iruma sets about getting what he wants.  He figures out what each misfit is best suited for – which teacher they’re best suited to persuade, cajole, or trick into signing those permission slips.  He sets his own sights on the seitoukai – more on that shortly – and the rest go to work.  Andro steals Kallego-sensei’s planner.  Clara designs the stupidest game ever as a distraction.  Azz sells his flames.  Everybody has a role to play, and one by one the teachers are checked off the list (though Kallego himself stands as the final obstacle).  In other words, Iruma does exactly what a good leader should – delegates responsibility to those capable of handling it and gets out of their way.

The student council is Iruma’s responsibility, for obvious reasons.  And as if it were ever in any doubt, Ameri is quite smitten by evil Iruma.  Mark II even pulls a kabedon (isudon?) on her – which is certainly something it’s pretty hard to imagine Mark I doing (I will note, however, that when the moment called for it Mark I slapped Ronove’s hand away from Ameri).  Mark II seems especially good at reading people, but I would argue that Iruma was always good at that – it’s just that he was hesitant to use it to manipulate others.

I don’t know, in the end, which Iruma is better – or even which Iruma is the “real” Iruma (hint: both).  I don’t even know how different they are when the chips are down, to be honest, because as it turns out evil Iruma doesn’t seem to be able to say no either – be it the gardener, or Sullivan wanting a photo with evil Iruma.  I think, just as something from Ameri Mark II stayed with her after she reverted back and she’s the better for it, part of evil Iruma is going to remain in good Iruma.  And in a way, that’s not a bad metaphor for the transition from a child to an adolescent to an adult.



  1. P

    Hey, thanks for blogging this. I’m still way back at ep 10 for s1 (dodgeball!) but I’ll catch up. Eventually

  2. If this is going where it ultimately will (i.e. to be the next Demon King), Evil Iruma will need to show up more often. Or at least some part of him manifests in usual Iruma.

  3. D

    still torn between chadruma, irumean or eviruma.

    I think it’s like drunk people. they are still the same person, just different way of seeing the world

  4. P

    I liked how they showed that Iruma’s sweet, “can’t say no” personality was still there, underneath the bad-boy surface, like when he helped the gardener out. Although, the kind act of helping is quite a contrast to those menacing eyes he now has. Maybe this evil cycle will teach him the courage he needs to be more assertive and from here on out, he can be a balance of Mark I and Mark II-pulling out the menacing glare and “I mean business, don’t mess with me” when he needs to, but retaining his sweet happy go-lucky nature most other times.

  5. D

    Can’t help think about the Royal 1 Jordans whenever Iruma mentions Royal One in this anime lol.

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