Kai Byoui Ramune – 06

My relationship with hidden gem shows like Kai Byoui Ramune is rather complicated.  On the one hand it’s always nice to feel like part of a secret club, and when so few people discover (or appreciate, as the case may be) a great series that makes one feel kind of special.  In all honesty whatever I say about something like Horimiya (or Shingeki or Mushoku Tensei for that matter) doesn’t matter a whole lot – it’s spit in the ocean.  When I write about a show like Dr. Ramune or Ginga e Kickoff or Miira no Kaikata I know I’m pretty much going to be the only one talking about it in English, so to the few people interested my scribblings make a difference.

That said, it genuinely pains me when I think an anime is special and it largely doesn’t exist.  As I noted earlier this series is sort of popular in Japan, but for whatever reason (perhaps its quintessentially Japanese mindset) it doesn’t seem to cross over.  It’s always gratifying when the spoiler senses hit the mark, though.  Kai Byoui Ramune has continued to improve week upon week, and it started out pretty good.  This two-parter was certainly the most compelling of the episodic storylines so far, and it deepened everything the series started to explore in the first four episodes.

These kinds of adult folktales with their morality plays are endlessly fascinating to me, but this one was especially resonant.  It took the themes of the earlier ones in the series and distilled them down to their essence.  The stakes were higher, the emotions stronger, and everything rang through more clearly.  As Sensei tells Rio, the path to a cure is confronting the cause.  Everything else is just a palliative, and those often make the underlying condition worse.  But confronting the cause for Rio’s mother means confronting the fact that her son has probably been murdered and is never coming home.

Ramune-sensei and Kuro-kun just get better and more interesting as characters every week, both individually and in terms of their relationship.  Kuro is smart, good under pressure, and mature for his age – but he’s still a child, and given to emotionally react like one.  Sensei is an eccentric and plays the doofus role to the hilt, but he’s actually a very compassionate and courageous man.  He’s so desperate to help his patients that he’s willing to take major risks to do so (the extent to which only becomes clear late in this episode), up to and including his own well-being.

Things get pretty tense pretty quickly here.  As Rio speaks into his pearl, voice growing ever-weaker as he desperately tries to contact his mother, Kuro returns to the shrine (I guess he does have an actual home and – presumably – family) and immediately realizes something is amiss.  He has the instincts of a detective, this kid, and uses them to deduce what probably happened.  Meanwhile Ramune-sensei is clearly seriously hurt, but while he has the magical means to immediately get help, he hides that fact.  He sees this as an opportunity to cure Rio’s mother – a different one than the original high-risk plan, but an opportunity nonetheless – and runs with it.

Having confirmed with his parents that Rio hasn’t come home, Kuro expertly figures out where he and the doctor are likely to be and heads off, leaving a trail of packing tape to follow.  When he finds Rio and Sensei Kuro is obviously concerned and, having first ensured that Rio is uninjured, tends to Sensei.  But he’s furious when he discovers the truth.  Ramune-sensei may have been doing all this for Rio, but by endangering his own life he’s disrespecting the relationship he has with Kuro-kun – who, it’s obvious after this interaction (if it wasn’t before), genuinely loves him.

There are all sorts of really profound emotional elements to this denouement.  “It’s not a betrayal to look forward” is a genuinely insightful and powerful literary statement, and so difficult to accept in real life.  Dr. Ramune went to such lengths to try and help Rio and his family, planning all along not just for his mother to be cured but for Rio to get his voice back.  That, poetically, can only happen when he and his mother talk to each other.  He’s a formidable if reckless man, and whatever the backstory it’s clear that he and Kuro have a strong and meaningful bond (which demands further exploration).  The more Kai Byoui Ramune reveals of itself the more compelling it gets, and that’s a mark of a very good series indeed.



  1. P

    Hey, your constant advocacy did get me to watch this series, so thanks for keeping at it! Plus, the genius of the series aside, Kai Byou Ramune got what is for me the best OP song of the season. 😀

  2. Your voice doesn’t fall on deaf ears – or potsticker ears, to use the metaphor of the last two episodes. However, the North American audience for anime skews young, and shows with action and fantasy are going to have more appeal than shows about real(istic) problems. (As Patrick Sky wrote fifty years ago, “Reality is bad enough / Why should I tell the truth?) The multi-episode arcs allow for more complicated problems and deeper explorations of the clients’ emotional states.

    I still can’t tell whether the show will continue with its painful but ultimately happy outcomes, thereby staying within the fantasy framework, or allow for unhappy or tragic outcomes, thereby moving toward greater realism. Perhaps the writers are waiting for the mandatory Serious Development in the last three episodes.

  3. My hope is that the final arc will be the Ramune-Kuro backstory. But as it’s a one-and-done of an ongoing manga, who the hell knows.

  4. Y

    This two-parter was rough. I was not expecting this show to become so dark. Any type of depiction of crimes against children leaves me feeling ill. The fact that the abductor was never caught especially casted a shadow over this resolution.

  5. a

    Amen to all of that!

  6. That lack of resolution makes me wonder if we’re not done with that storyline.

  7. Y
  8. P

    The past few episodes were devastating; reality can be a bitter pill to swallow, especially with the tragedy of losing a child. I am glad that she was able to face it through the pain and hear her son in the end. Dr. Ramune has all of those weird magical artefacts; I wonder where he gets them from, if he has a supplier or if he somehow finds them.

  9. Well, it strikes me as a non manga-reader that it’s the magical items shop that acts as the primary conduit for them in the area. How Ramune specifically gets them I don’t know – does Grandma give them to him based on some long-standing relationship, or does he have to buy them just like anyone else?

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